lanyard bracelets/gimp/plastic lace
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Does anybody else still make these? I make the hoop one (original I think), zipper, square and circular. I used to make them for kids at my church all of the time because they failed at making them and I was known to be very good at making them. Then today while I was at michaels I got for 2.50 a glow in the dark thing of 100 yards of plastic lace all other ones were around $5. So if you do this craft where do you get your lace from? And are there any other plastic lace/lanyard bracelets to make out there besides the ones listed above?
4 years, 7 months ago by Margaron
I haven’t in a long while but I still have lace for it! I like to buy it on spools from michaels. But for smaller quantities I’ve gotten it at the dollar store and Walmart before too. The only difference I really found was the smaller packets seemed to be a little stretchier. And if you really like them is an old I site I learnt a bunch of plastic lace patterns from. It’s kind of old and I don’t know if it’s still being updated but it IS still live and accessible- I just checked!
Bracelet King
4 years, 7 months ago by awesome563
I got mine from amazon and hobby lobby a few years ago so hobby lobby might not sell it anymore. I don’t know the price but it was fair and they had a decent selection. I don’t know any other patterns though.