Please read!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Hello! So I know I titled this topic please read it’s really just a self promo of my YouTube channel anyways please if you can and have the time to read the following and consider checking out my channel. I understand you may be annoyed to see this but I might as well let people know about my channel. I started recently a YouTube channel called QueenBee Crafts by Amanda because god has gifted me in the field of making things and I know so many people are amazed by what I make not just in friendship bracelets but I also bake/cook, knit/learning to crochet, bible journal/create art work using quotes or sentences, I make bracelets (including friendship or beaded bracelets, I latch hook, I do rainbow loom, I scrapbook, I enjoy making cards, I make diy projects and its my life. This seems like a lot and it is but it’s clearly my passion. The whole point of my channel is to show others how I create the things I do. Some I learned from tutorials and others I learned by being self taught either way I want to share this information with others. I know there are so many tutorials out there but some of the pieces I create are truly unique. I have a started a collection of bracelets to be sold at a Christmas bizarre in November because I want to be able to buy more thread and give back to a kids hospital near me. I also plan on making bracelets for the purpose of a community project and teaching as many people as I can possibly teach how to make things. So I know I speak pretty quickly in my videos I’m only 14 very introverted and my tutorials may not be amazing but someday I hope to make a business out of my talent because god has given me a this talent for a purpose and I want to make the best of it by using my love of crafts for good. I also have only made a few tutorials so far on friendship bracelets but I promise you if you subscribe you will learn a lot from them and I will make many more to come in the future. This message may be long and you may not watch my tutorials but I means a lot to me if you just even read this message. And I want to remind you no matter if you are religious or believe or not god loves you, made you for a purpose and one day you will find your purpose here on earth like I have. Life will give you many struggles but god is always there for you no matter what. (In this world you will have trouble but take heart I have over come the world!) Have a great day, thank you for reading and I hope you will consider checking out my channel (QueenBee Crafts by Amanda) 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Also if anybody else has a channel and is looking for subscribers let me know I’m always looking to support others
4 years, 8 months ago by melanie22
Hey I’m about to subscribe my channel is CHEERios and I don’t think I have any subscribers, and I also have no videos, but you can subscribe if you want I don’t mind if you don’t tho
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
@melanie22 I’ll definitely follow you
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
As in subscribe