PSA: Black Lives Matter page 2
Bracelet King
4 years ago by riley_fxX
✊🏽 ✊🏾✊🏿
Bracelet King
4 years ago by SavannaL
Bracelet King
4 years ago by jadeflwr13
@loopAloop all lives cannot matter until black lives matter. if there’s a plant that needs watering but the others have already been watered, why would you water the other plants again? you need to recognize that saying all lives matter takes away from the blm movement and change that way of thinking- thinking that you need to continue to assert yourself and your way of thinking rather than just backing down and realizing that you’re wrong.
Bracelet King
4 years ago by luka2211
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Paris113
I am a white Christian person in southern America but it annoys me so much when people don’t get what @jadeflwr13 is saying. Ofc all lives matter but currently it is the black lives that need the most support. Another thing: I do not think that all cops are bad people. Like in most things the good outweigh the bad but the bad are louder. Most cops just want to bring criminals to justice but the power gets to peoples heads and they are extremely cruel and unreasonable 😒
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by HelloooIts
@loopAloop all lives can only matter when black lives matter too. its like you falling off a chair in a restaurant and having a small bruise, while someone else is having a heart attack. ofcourse they will help the person with the heart attack first. only when the black lives matter all lives can matter
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by rumpleknot
@Paris113 I 100% agree and can relate. I am so happy school is online rn because i would be terrified to be in my school with the different political views in the political climate rn
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Godluvsu
Hi! Cool I enjoyed reading this and seeing a different POV🙂 oh and, to most people who support it blue lives matter isn’t about opposing the BLM movement but instead honoring our cops who give up so much to help people and who are also currently facing lots of backlash. ♥️♥️as someone who has a different opinion it was nice reading a different opinion.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Firecorn
My best friend's dad is a cop, and in the army, and he is very nice 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by Deer-Teeth
BLM is great!! the only reason I say ALM is because there are more than just black lives that get no justice. There are other races that are in more danger than just black people, and the BLM movement is pushing the aside when they say BLM. The movement is awesome and i think its a great start, but I still say I'm ALM because of personal experience

Thank you all for sticking up for what you believe in! Your movement is causing a big change, and one for the better
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by emily_f
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by B_ridgette
Thank you for this. Its a great reminder to everyone who reads it. ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by horses13
Yes I understand what you are saying about the arguing because I just posted a comment of one of these patterns asking what this is and then someone told me to shut up and my old bio was a mile long and looked like a college essay so I started arguing because I got mad. I agree arguing gets you nowhere and I have a feeling that there might be some rude users posting on this forum so I want to just say everyone just take a breath and scroll away before and argument starts.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
I have to post on this thread... and before any of you come for me... just remember I have black silbings, so i see this all the time. If you do not agree, then do no post or message me.
I've seen a lot of racial tension this past year, and there's been a lot on the news. And i totally agree with what was said above and totally support it.

For the people who are saying ALL Lives Matter, you are taking away the voice of the black community who face prejudice ever day... just because of their skin color. All lives do matter, im a different race and hear racism, BUT i think right now is NOT the time to be doing this. They have faced police brutality, racism and stereotyping everyday and significantly more than other, and they are standing up for what they believe in. And by saying ALM, it makes them mad... you say all lives matter, they say that you don't care about helping them. you take the meaning and the movement and you make it insignificant.

For the rallies and the peaceful protest, they were truly peaceful. But., Innocent people were shot with rubber bullets when no violence was called for. It was PEACEFUL, yet violence always have to win. Listening and communicating gets things done way better than fighting and tension. But instead, Federal funds were going to preventing them from helping instead of taking action and doing something about making a change. Due to the Bill of Rights, we have freedom of Speech. and the Black community wasn't being listened to, so they chose the implement one of their rights... yet, it was shut down? It doesn't make sense... at least listen.

Again. with the rallies, i think it has turned away from being peaceful and filled with people who truly believe in the movement to people who just want to cause havoc... and it takes away the significance of the BLM. Some of the rallies have not been peaceful and im not going to lie and say they havent happened. BUT. They are more likely to be filled with people who don't believe in the movement but just want to be a part of something. And don't get me wrong. Many white people and people of different race have supported and rallied with them, but at the same time, i don't think they TRULY know what has happened. Im not saying they haven't felt it to a degree, but not the full capacity, of fearing others just because of the way they look, or the way they were born into.

I am not black, I AM of a different race than white, im asian, and that comes with other stereotypes, but i think i can live with a few insults while my brothers and sister are being judged, refused work, avoided and insulted because of the color of their skin. AGAIN, I don't know personally what i feels like, but my brothers do, and it's NOT ok. My parents are white, and when police see them in the car while my siblings are driving the atmosphere changes, becomes more relaxed, more peaceful and accepting to hear what my siblings have to say. I'm not saying white people can't participate in the BLM, in fact they could help bridge the problems and come to a peaceful end, however, a lot of them won't and i don't know why... If your son was being called names, you would want to do somehting about it, why won't they stand up for a whole community with a bunch of other people also supporting the movement.

Don't know if that makes sense, but imma keep going. My parents had to teach them how to interact with police like any other parent would... but it was different... Like obviously everyone has to be respectful, calm, when pulled over... but the precautions they have to take? Hands on the dashboard, slow movements, state your intent, and if you are pulled out of the car, you can't do anything about it, because they might think it's a threat. Studies have shown that when a white police officer sees that the person they pulled over is black compared to white.. they are more alert, they think about the scenarios that could happen. And im not saying that police always aren't alert of thinking of these things, but the level of defensiveness goes up due to the fact that they are black. Just cuz of their skin color??? Because of racism and stereotypes its made out to be that everyone in the Black Community is bad??? It just doesn't make sense... so think about that for a second....

People do have the right to be cautious.. but why should you be more cautious of the Black man rather than the white man.. or an asian man or girl... or a latino lady? You never know someone unless you actually try and make an effort to. You can judge off of actions, you can't judge the whole race or community because of one negative or positive thing that happened with them. Everyone is different, and everyone deserves a chance. You can't steroetype and judge them for the color of their skin. It's not okay. AT ALL. The color of someones skin is NOT a weapon

I know not all of this might make sense, but just do you part. Don't take their voice away by saying "all lives matter", don't participate in racism, don't judge right away, be kind, be accepting, and just remember that color is not a weapon.
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
Hey, so before you go all out on me, I want to say that I have the Igor of speech, and I’m kind of closed off to the world, so please bear with me here. I believe that Black Lives Matter. But so do the lives of cops. Not all of them are bad and my best friends dad was an AMAZING cop and he passed away. He was never racist but he was a cop. I get and understand that there are bad, racist, unkind, brutal people in this world. In fact, there are a lot of them where I live. In the end, God created us EQUAL, we are only different in the color of our skin, the accent we have and where we are from. But that doesn’t mean we can stereotype people. At the same time, I do wish people noticed that some cops are really kind, and they stand for the same things you do. Personally, when I say “All lives matter.” I don’t mean that black lives don’t matter, I don’t mean that AT ALL! I mean that everyone matters, your skin color doesn’t matter, we are all loved by God and we should never be unkind to others. We are United! Not divided, that’s what I mean when I say “all lives matter”
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
Right of speech* so sorry, auto correct
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by kmmorell
@GenMalucci Exactly.
3 years, 11 months ago by itsknots
3 years, 11 months ago by itsknots
@GenMalucci Your a good speaker! Wow. I love your paragraph it’s a paragraph that reached down all the way into my heart!
Bracelet King
3 years, 11 months ago by GenMalucci
@itsknots Thank you very much! 😉 I do a lot of writing and speaking for school and personal want. But thank you! 👍