friend problems(tea)
4 years, 8 months ago by zyxwvut
If you see this, thanks for looking. I have had so many problems with my friendships with people since last year. (This is kinda long, skip if you want) Last year started really well. Me and my friend group would sit at the same table every day and we were all really close to each other. Then one of them started getting left out and so I spent more time with her. It kept getting worse and worse and it got to the point where it was me and two other people on one side of the table, and the rest of them on the other side. I hung out a lot with one of the girls on the other side too and sometimes wanted to sit with her but I couldn't because I was "on the other side". Eventually, our side left the table and sat at an empty one for the rest of the school year. This year when it started again, we were going to try to sit with everyone else, but they sat at the "popular table". Instead, we decided to sit with these other two girls and they were really nice. The thing is that we didn't get along all the time. So basically the whole point of this story is that my old friends hate me and my friend but we were best friends a year ago and I don't know what i did wrong. me and the other girl are still friends. Also I kinda miss my old best friend that has now changed a lot and I am closer to her twin sister now. There wasn't really any point to this other than I wanted to get it off my chest. If you made it this far, thanks and have you ever had the same thing happen to you. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Friends can really suck at times. And also sometimes you do nothing wrong but your friends still hate you. I can kind of relate I was very good friends with 3 other girls suddenly one stopped hanging out with us as much and I pointed it out but so did my other 2 friends. One of them at some point went to the other and accused me of saying that I was talking bad about the other although her excuse was she and the other girl would say things to her face. I didn't do anythign wrong but this girl who was my best friend told the other friend of ours and she believed her. So I had 2 friends turn against me and I asked if it was her and this girl said no (and lied to me) by the way this truly is a long story. The girl who accused me to the other girl said to not tell me it was her accusing me of gossiping and so when I got mad (wanting to know who was accusing me even though I had done nothing wrong) the girl was truly convinced I had gossiped about her and believed my best friend over me. Also the girl out of no where a week after we were starting to hang out texted me the accusation of gossiping about her I felt horrible. We soon after weeks of the girl leaving us for other friends and me still hanging out with the girl who accused me of gossiping about the other and so I never knew it was her all along. Then one day we had a pool party and I got so mad because the girl refused to tell me who told her and the other girl who did it kept saying that if the other were to say who I would get mad. I did get mad when two weeks later at youth they had a conversation and the girl finally tells me and I wasn't happy. But the other girl wasn't happy because she felt pressured to tell me and the other who accused me didn't want her to tell me it was her. Anyways they stopped talkign but later made up they both saw it as two sides and soon my other friend who was on the side of the story sided with the girl and they accused my friend who I did not gossip about was a cry baby. They later made up and never really apologized for bringing me into their problems (because the for the time they were not friends I was stuck in the middle) and never saw me as a part of the issue. I lost complete trust for the girl who purposely told my friend to not tell me she though I was gossping and she had covered it up by acting like nothing happened and she never told me she though I had gossiped acted like nothign happened. So as you can see I have my share of friendship problems but friends change over time we change over time and sometimes we don't do anything because as people change their interests change and the value and importance of different relashionships change but don't ever let that stop you from making new friends and keeping old ones because someday you will meet a friend that is there for you no matter what and will last for ever. Luckily for me I met my best friend already who loves me and accepts me for who I am I hope someday you do too!!! 😇 Sorry for a long story
4 years, 8 months ago by arf820
wow i’m sorry to hear about that. friends come and go for me too. i don’t exactly have a best friend since childhood anymore since people change. and you can’t take the blame on yourself because that just makes it harder for you. for me, i’ve been trying to get in touch with my best friend for months now during quarantine and she just hasn’t been responding. we’d make plans to facetime but she just doesn’t follow through. and it’s frustrating. it sucks. and i’m like you, i like to keep my friends close. but trust me that nothing was your fault and you did nothing wrong. the fact of life is that people change as they mature and that is nobody’s fault. my advice for you is to focus mainly on developing your friendship with your current friends. maybe tell them how you feel about your old friends. they will support you and empathize with you as all good friends should. i hope this helped, and if you need someone to talk to, just message me🙂
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by BandGeek22
I had a friend in elementary. I met them when I was 6 and we were best friends for like 6 years. In 6th grade she just stopped talking to me. I never knew why and she really hurt me. I moved into jr high (where I live jr high is only 7th and 8th). I met this amazing girl and we instantly became friends. We have now been besties for two years. We are going into hs and we can’t wait for our adventures in hs. I just hope we stay friends 🤞🏻 anyway so I have only had 1 best friend then she left and I found another in jr high (end if 6th was AWFUL) anyway the point is friends really do come and go but when you loose one or something happens try to move on bc there will be someone else you will meet. They will love you for who you are and your old friend will be history. I never really knew what a best friend was till I met this girl 2 years ago. Thanks to her I realized that friend from elementary wasn’t really a friend. If only I had known that at the time. But anyways just always try to move on bc that best friend that will always love you no matter what will come eventually.... I promise🙂 if you EVER need to talk just message me!! ☺️
4 years, 8 months ago by zyxwvut
Thanks guys. It is hard but it’s nice to know there are other people who have experience the same thing😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
Things will get better
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by 2006_Mandy
They always do in someway or the other whether or not we see them
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by behappy8
I get it friends suck at my district there are now k-2 and 3-5 schools I'm moving schools next year instead of in 2 years I'm not gonna know anybody be thankful that you have friends 😄 😄
4 years, 8 months ago by Lrevko
I used to have a bff and we were really close. We were friends since kindergarten. Then in fourth grade she moved away to Canada. But also, I had another best friend, so we became closer as the years progressed. But sadly, she decided to join the cheerleader team in our school. Everyone knows how cheerleaders can be. Anyways, she slowly started replacing me with another snobby cheerleader. And she talked to me a lot less, and we started growing apart. Anyways, the most painful thing is to see your bff that you trusted and that you were really close to slowly replace you with someone else. But, now I have a larg
4 years, 8 months ago by Lrevko
* but now I have a large group of friends and they’re much better than my last so called friend. I’m thankful for them.
4 years, 8 months ago by HoneyBee10
sometimes my friend bullies our other friends behind their backs
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by aditi110
If I had to tell you all the times I've had bad experiences with friends this would be a painfully long message. I've lived in four countries in my life and have been to six schools already even though I'm only in year 6. I've come to like moving around and I still speak to my besties from my other schools. The thing is everything will work out because it just has to.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Carina_C
Had two friends I was with since the 3rd grade, one who I'll call Alexa (not real name), and the other Bethany (also not real name). Alexa was the one who approached me since I was friendless and doing school work on the benches at recess. We ended up talking and she brought me out of my little introverted bubble. We then met Bethany and it was the three of us that stuck together until middle school. In the 8th grade there was a dispute and they both avoided me suddenly. I get an unexpected text strand from the group chat from the other two. It was just insult after insult being sent about me. They then realized they texted on a group chat including me in the conversation. They probably continued to talk trash about me, and man, did it sting. I get depressed, my friendship bracelets are returned without a word, and I only open back up to a few classmates. I get repeated texts from Alexa, telling me that we were friends for so long, and that I was being unreasonable. She wants to be friends again, but I mean, why? I was talked about and just left there, what was there to save? Promotion from the 8th grade came and I was ready for high school. After promotion, I text her for the first time since we were friends and tell her I never would have wanted to be friends again and she had victimized herself (there were many more messages from her I did not mention). I make my peace in the message and let her know I'm sorry for any part I had in it, but the way she handled it was unacceptable. I dust my hands clean and those friendship bracelets I made for us are still in my drawers as a reminder. I don't have any friends still, just internet friends, and that's ay okay cuz you all feel like my family and I'm happy.TL;DR Friends since elementary turned on me, talked trash, I made my peace, still friendless. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by aa7648
I’m really sorry this has happened to all you guys 🙁 I’m sending all y’all my best 💙💙. Just something to keep in mind, there are literally billions of people in the world and though you will never get to meet all, or even close to all you will still get to know many people later in life that you don’t even know exist right now (I hope that makes sense) so if you are ever feeling down or have a fight with a friend, sometimes it is good to try to win them back, but other times you just have to realize they they simply weren’t right for you. (Especially if they are constantly mean to you, or try to get you do things you aren’t comfortable with) sorry this is kinda long all I’m trying to say is you are great just the way you are and it is important to have good friends who realize that. and if you don’t have those kind of friends right now, you’ll meet new people. Just know things will get better 💙💙