Loosing weight tips plz
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by WildBells7
I am currently trying to lose weight got any tips for me?
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by awesome563
I haven’t tried to loose any weight before but I would suggest eating healthy instead of not eating, not eating meat also helps.
4 years, 8 months ago by Ava_Hope
um.. just be active. I am personally vegetarian and honestly i have not noticed anything BUT i can not eat certain candy which i guess has helped me a little...
4 years, 8 months ago by madeleine_
Whenever you want junk food, spend ten minutes eating fruit first. It doesn’t always keep you from eating the junk food but it can help. Also if you don’t want to do more intense exercise like running, going for a long-ish walk every day will probably help
4 years, 8 months ago by roxy
Try using the app myfitnesspal or something similar to enter the food you eat. I found that I have lost more weight that way. Also try to eat healthy most of the time but if you’re craving something, just eat it in moderation. I also do workouts so right now I’m doing Blogilates on YouTube and also yoga (Yoga with Adriene)
4 years, 8 months ago by giraffes
Excersize always helps but you have to have a good diet that suits you, too
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by avajks
I recommend exercise and dieting. they really only work if used together but there are simple ways to do them. for example, I would recommend intermittent fasting and eating fewer snacks for dieting as you start out, and for exercise you have to find something that you love so that you will be motivated for example a few rounds of just dance are great (they even have workout ones and you can get them for free by looking them up on youtube or getting the app). I like skateboarding, swimming, and dancing. Search around youtube because there are Netflix workouts and things like that if that is something you really like. Remember, love yourself along the way and don't compare yourself to others. be your ideal version of yourself. Confidence is Key!! that makes the biggest difference. hope this helps it took a fat minute to type 😭 ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Pawsknot
I have in the past and need to again loose weight I used keto and it worked wonderfully I lost 3 pounds the first 2 days and no exercise I'm kind of lazy lol
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by WildBells7
Thanks for the advice guys I will definitely take this into consideration
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by WildBells7
I am currently doing intermediate fasting and I am walking 2 miles a day also I have good my meals down
4 years, 8 months ago by valeisasor
sometimes i hate working out so i do dance hiit videos from youtube which are really fun! it doesn’t even feel like you’re working out, i watch mad fit and emkfit 😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by saf102
im not sure how old you are or your body type, but be careful, try to eat healthy but don't limit your intake. and I honestly would not recommend using a weight loss app because they can lead you down a really unhealthy path. don't be too hard on yourself hun, you are beautiful just the way you are
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by CoolKnot
One of the biggest things you can do is drink a cup of water before every meal, and just in general drink lots of water. Sometimes your body thinks your hungry when your actually thirsty. That is the biggest thing I know... I hope it helps 🙂
4 years, 8 months ago by madeleine_
I agree with @saf102. Keep in mind that healthy and skinny are two completely different things
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by Miante13
I spent some time to research this topic and I have some tips and conclusions:
1. Low fat food doesn't help. because it doesn't contain fat, to make it taste better it has waay more sugar than it needs and sugar is the main ingredient that makes you gain weight
2. Making sport or doing some exercises can deffenetly help but keep in mind that it helps you to lose only 10-20% of your weight. the rest of the weight you can loose onky by following a good diet, not starving
3. if you cut the sugar, potatoes (chips, fried, baked etc.), bread (a very good substitute is wassa, at least that's how it is called in my country. it is high fiber bread if i am correct), beans and anything that has the bread-meat combo (for example: spaghetti with meatballs, fries and steak, pizza etc.) you should be all good :>
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by amazingme
First of all, I just want to put this out there, don't do anything insane like skipping meals, forcing yourself to throw up or working out excessively. My friend resorted to this and it was a long time before she got better.

1. Drink cold water, especially before a meal. It'll prevent you from getting hungry, and cold water also burns calories, since your body will immediately to to regulate your temperature.

2. Use a smaller plate. It'll trick your mind into thinking that you ate more than you actually have.

3. Try to get in one hour of exercise a day. Whether it be walking, running, hitting the gym, or playing sports, your body requires a booster to pump blood and to start up your metabolism.

4. Do not skip meals. You only burn off fat if you eat. Skipping meals will make your body go into a hibernation mode where it'll store fat immediately.

5. Drink as much water as possible. Some people need more water than others ( I have to drink around 8-10 water bottles) and if you try to exercise without water... just don't do that and take my word for it.

6. Don't eat a lot of carbs. They pack on weight and although they taste good, two slices of bread are all you need for a day.

7. Don't push your body. I know people say "no pain, no gain" but don't go too hard, too fast. You can hurt yourself permanently.

And just one thing. Do it for you! Being healthy is fine, but all body types are different and what is healthy on one person may not be so well for another. Don't resort to bad measures and peer pressure. You are you, and you're beautiful 🔥
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by goldpug8
Water is kind of magical and can do things in you body because of your thoughts so say some affirmations that are about you losing weight then you should start getting your ideal body or you could try subliminals you could look those up and you should be drinking water in general and walk/run three times a week I think that should help out a little glad I could help 🙂