String Brand
12 years, 7 months ago by LBeverly
I'm curious what brand of string is your favorite to work with. I was just given a few "Assorted Colors" boxes of generic thread as a surprise from my mom when I started getting into bracelets again, but I haven't worked with much string except the giant spools of stuff that I used to use at camp.
12 years, 7 months ago by Bandgeek15
If I use embroidery floss use Prism. For Hemp I use Loops and Threads. I find them both at Michaels. I like to use both. When I started making bracelets I used embroidery floss but recently I realized that I never really used hemp so I have both right now.
Bracelet King
12 years, 7 months ago by Juliette
hi! i dont like prism! i like iris and dmc but dmc is the best! i use embroidery floss... really love dmc they are sooo good!😄
Bracelet King
12 years, 7 months ago by WWJCD
I too don't like Prism floss or any brand of craft thread. I like to use Iris or DMC floss the most. You may have Anchor in your area which is also good.
12 years, 7 months ago by Discord
I use Iris since it's the one I usually find. Michael's is too far away from my house.
12 years, 7 months ago by sherlocked
DMC for sure. Whenever I use Prism it always breaks on me. And if you get DMC at WalMart it's cheaper!
12 years, 7 months ago by smigglemax
DMC embroidery floss is the BEST! 😉 you can find DMC cotton in every spotlight, cuz it's the string you use for cross stitchng. I should know cuz my mum has like six or seven boxes of DMC thread!LOL😛
12 years, 7 months ago by Feniex
I use Anchor and Duchess, they work great for me and have never snapped - so far.I have a few Moonbrand threads laying about but I think those are poor quality and I wouldn't recommend them, they fray very often and break. |
12 years, 7 months ago by CuddleyBoo
Prism breaks for me. I ended up giving it to my 7-year-old sister, who just akes stuff on her own. Not these bracelets. So far, Iris is my favorite. And if I'm not mistaken, Artiste is by Iris. Artiste you get to choose your own colors, like you can with DMC, but cheaper. That's why I buy the packages. They're currently on clearance at Hobby Lobby for $10.00, instead of $17.00, so I bought the last to 150 skeins, and one 105 skein packages. I'm now overloaded. Hey, I like to stock up 😉 Sorry, that was very drawn out. Basically, I like Iris. Pretty. Good quality. Done 🙂
12 years, 7 months ago by CuddleyBoo
*MY Hobby Lobby. Not sure about where you live 😛
12 years, 5 months ago by zbird123
I must be the only one who likes Prism...😲
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by fairydust
I use Iris
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by KotinKandy
i use prism. to me prism is awesome and it doesnt break but dmc does 🙁 i can break it with my fingers easily do i dont use it Prism works good for me 🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by bazinga
i use DMC because it is really good quality and i like the Colours 🙂🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 5 months ago by milbug
I use Artsile, because it has pastel, six strand, 2 strand, vibrant, vaule scale in rainbow, and mix colour strand in it.
Bracelet King
12 years, 3 months ago by KotinKandy
Now I confess. Prism broke on me so I will see how DMC works it might've been just a bad color so I will experiment on it. I hope DMC works cuz I bought a good amount of it today so I Eileen see what happens and if I remember then put what happened on this forum )
Bracelet King
12 years, 3 months ago by KotinKandy
😛 I meant to put 🙂
Bracelet King
12 years, 3 months ago by WovenKitty
DMC is my fave 'cause it only costs like 30 cents! Plus I really love neon colors and some of their neons are cheap...
12 years, 3 months ago by Peanut
I have used DMC for years. (Like 20 or so, LOL!) I also use Iris and Prism. I don't get the breaking that everyone seems to get with Prism. Of course, now that I've said that, I bet all of the ones I've started with Prism will have breaks!
Bracelet King
12 years, 1 month ago by ostrich
I love DMC embroidery floss 🙂