10 years, 7 months ago by x_lbitch_x
My user name has swearing in it and It's not like I can change it.. I'm not saying it's right because I would change it straight away right now but I can't because usernames can't be changed; I'm sorry if it offends anyone as I said I would change it; I just hope my account doesn't get suspended or something 🙁
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
@KnotCrazy I think I know what you mean I have a friend who does the same thing. She's really sweet and I know she's saved but she says it all the time. I don't think she knows it's wrong.... Otherwise she wouldn't say it. I think I'm gonna tell her soon 🙂
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
And that's okay I understand. It's fine because you WOULD change it if you could but the site doesn't allow you to change usernames. However thats another good example of why you should be careful what you say on the internet because usually you can't change it. A ton if teens in my youth group are on twitter and they all post like REALLY bad swear words and abbreviations for them and then they post about Jesus. I'm like you guys need to stop but they dont listen. And to post swearing on the internet you have to physically type it and intentionally want to do it. It's not like when you accidentally say it (both are wrong but it's different to purposely want to say it rather than accidentally)
10 years, 7 months ago by riley13
I haven't seen any!!
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by KnotCrazy
@TFK19 yeah.... That's too bad there's only like two other girls in my youth group now cuz like everyone moved 😢 I haven't heard any of them swear before but I don't really know them outside of church. The girl I know who says that word really I think has a hard life though.... Her mom had a brain tumor about a year ago and she is better now but not 100% yet.... Her dad is a pastor of a small church and she doesn't always get along with everyone on my soccer team (that's where I know her from) I really feel sorry for her but that's not an excuse to swear. And she's like the only girl on my soccer team that does.... :/
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by KnotCrazy
Except for my coach who says the same word but lots of people say it so yeah.... Idk I cringe whenever I hear it though 😐
Bracelet King
10 years, 7 months ago by TFK19
Yeah same here
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by aprow402
I hate swearing. I've heard my mom say a bad word when she is really upset but seriously I get upset when people say oh my God.
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by TFK19
I know I have a few friends who say that a lot and I'm just like really?? Do you have to say that?
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by samiksha
Hey I'm 10
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by samiksha
Hey I'm just 10 but I don't see swearing
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by TFK19
Well that's good because that means there's less swearing than before becuz I used to see it a lot
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by KnotCrazy
I honestly didn't even know what the obvious swear words were until I turned 13 and got an Instagram...... So much horrible stuff out there! >
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by TFK19
Yeah I know what you mean I didn't know em until I turned like 11 or 12... And yeah there is so much horrible stuff out there... Which is why I would like bb to be a safe place for younger (and even for older too) users.
10 years, 6 months ago by cornkernel
I have seen a lot of the short lmao which I'm not sure if people know completely what it means, I didn't until I was 14.
Bracelet King
10 years, 6 months ago by KnotCrazy
@TFK19 yeah my eight year old sister has an account on here and after a swearing spree on chat (before they got banned) she wanted to come on and I was like "No way!!" I didnt tell her what happened cuz then she would just be curious and go on so I told my mom what had happened and she said she would keep her off the computer 🙂
10 years, 2 months ago by ELLARUBY
I swear a bit around friends but I only whisper and I know that my friends won't be offended vid they do it to
10 years, 2 months ago by ELLARUBY
Cos not vid
10 years, 2 months ago by Smile_ALL
I agree
Bracelet King
10 years, 2 months ago by CWillard
@ELLARUBY they're not talking about talking to other people in person or over the phone or whatever, they're talking about on this website