tips for cleaning/organizing your bracelet supplies
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by plant-dad
i’m a very messy person, and it’s just a fact of life for me. recently, my supplies have gotten in a huge mess and i am stuck envying the people that have their life put together. if anyone has tips for cleaning/organizing bracelet supplies (or anything else), they would be greatly appreciated!
4 years, 9 months ago by arf820
hahaaa i am the same way! you should look at my table with all my bracelet supplies, it is a complete mess. but what helps me is if the organizer box already comes with your floss in bobbins. i recently bought a box that had the skeins already wrapped around bobbins, which had their dmc color code. such a life saver😂 other than that just try to clean your space as much as possible which i am trying to make a habit of doing!
4 years, 9 months ago by SecretLife
try getting three containers, one for string long enough for normal patterns, another for any extra string for alpha patterns, and the last one for any bracelets/keychains you have already finished
Bracelet King
4 years, 9 months ago by Carina_C
I sort my strings that I have not used yet by color (pink with red, tan with white, etc.) and put then in baggies. Used strings with usable lengths are placed in a big bag regardless of color. Scraps no matter the color are also placed in a different bag. You can place it all in whatever box or container. Once I set it up it was easy to stay organized because there was a place for everything.
4 years, 8 months ago by Dragon_Fly
Bobbins are nice to have and having containers for beads are having for storing them. Also having like a small pillow and a Bobby pin to knot your bracelets on is nice, if you don’t have a pillow I sewed a socked closed but before stuffed it. I also like having a small pencil pouch that I put my scissors, Bobby pins, and any other supplies in and any bracelets I want for when I’m traveling. Also if you go to the dollar tree they have small little beading storage things and I put all my unfinished ones in there.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by e_
i’m the same way!! get bobbins! get thread storing boxes! don’t organize them in rainbow order, it’ll suck to maintain.
Bracelet King
4 years, 8 months ago by sheepie
I use bobbins and a small box, and I highly recommended this technique. I never have to worry about having all my colours in a weird order, all my friends at school and sometimes people I don’t know that well will find fiddling around and organising my thread box entertainment lol