Rating Patterns
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by f_b_x
Well if there's one thing that annoys me, it's when I spend a lot of my time creating a pattern, which after being submitted gets a lot of 100% ratings, and then someone comes along and rates it 75% or lower. The average rating then drops quite a lot and it's quite annoying too 😲Personally whenever I rate a pattern, I either rate it at 100%, or don't rate it at all. Is it just me or does anyone else find this annoying too??? |
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by KotinKandy
i usually do what you do. Either rate it 100 or not at all. But sometimes people accidentally hit the wrong rating and there is no way to re-rate it. i accidentally rated a 0 and meant for it to be 100 once so i just commented that i meant 100. there are also people who are just like that (in the case of rating 0's and stuff) it is annoying and it happens to all of us. i on occasion get super low ratings (0) and then i might get a message or something explaining how it was an accident. however though if a certain user keeps rating really bad just to mean, then you might want to consider asking Adik or Admin about it because there are sometimes people who create accounts just to rate lowly. its okay though 🙂 if you like the pattern that you made then that's all that matters!! 😉 |
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by SBilbrey
Yeah, if there's somebody who is only giving you 0% ratings, message Adik or Admin. People get banned for trolling patterns like that. But I totally know what you mean! I'm glad to see this thread, because I'm curious: What makes you guys rate 0%? Personally, I've never rated anything a 0%. I feel like it's rude. If I was going to rate something at 0%, it would be ONLY because of any technical problems with the pattern. One of my pet peeves is when people rate at 0% just because they don't like the content of a pattern. I posted a pattern of a pentacle, which is seen as a religious symbol for a lot of people. But somebody rated that a 0% because they thought it was evil. If my pattern is bad and the geometry doesn't work, then please rate it at 0, because I want to get better and build the best patterns I can. I've accidentally rated stuff a 0 too, and I always comment explaining my mistake when that happens. Maybe there can be some kind of verification on the rating. Like you click the star, and then you get a "Are You Sure You Want to Give This Rating?" box? That might keep the accidental zeros to a minimum.
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by lyra2245
If I don't like a pattern, I just don't rate it at all. But sometimes I, too accidentally rate a pattern 0 percent but I always try to notify the user that it was an accident. Also, one user has gone through a lot of my patterns rating them 0 percent. Then after that, I just keep on asking, what did I do to you? I mean, some users just don't like other users, so they rate their patterns 0 percent. If somebody rates MY pattern 0 percent, I just rate theirs 100 percent, so they know even though hey don't respect me, I respect them back. And I do agree with SBilbrey. That way people would make sure they gave it the rating the pattern actually deserved. So, that was really drawn out. But it's just my opinion. 🙂
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by f_b_x
Yeah the verification button is a really good idea! Thanks guys I'm glad someone else feels the same way 😄
11 years, 1 month ago by Margaron
Honestly, I don't rate any patterns, if I like it you'll find it on my todo list, and I'll leave a comment or upload a picture. I feel like I'd probably take the rating to seriously and people would get POed and that would just cause more problems :/ but personally I think if you're going to rate, you should rate what you truly think about a pattern.
Bracelet King
11 years, 1 month ago by f_b_x
Yeah that's probably one of the best things to do...
11 years ago by justinty
I rate lots of patterns and I rate really cool ones 5 stars!
Bracelet King
10 years, 12 months ago by mrn1997
I think you shouldn't get to upset if you get a low rating. It's happened to me where someone meant to rate it at 100 but accidentally clicked a different star and I don't really get to upset. And if people are doing it to be mean just remember it's not really personal, It's just somebody behind a screen that feels they need to hurt someone else to feel better. They don't even know you, so don't take it too personally. You should just send love and goodness into the world and hope they can receive some of it some day. 🙂And always remember what goes around comes around! 😉 |
Bracelet King
10 years, 12 months ago by f_b_x
Yeah! Thanks a lot 😄😄
Bracelet King
10 years, 12 months ago by HeavenSent
I only rate patterns once I make them.Sometimes I press the wrong button cos my mouse is very temperamental plus I don't mind what people rate my pattern as long as they make it first because then I know they gave it a chance,you know. |