selling bracelets
4 years, 10 months ago by shsushzhdh
So I want to make an Etsy store to sell my bracelets but I’m kinda scared lol. I’m hoping someone with a store can answer my questions.What happens when someone buys my bracelet, do I get payed right away? How much do I profit where does the money go? How much do I price my bracelets? How do I package my bracelets? Any ideas for creative names? |
4 years, 10 months ago by Onedfanfor
Hello! So I may not be that much of help because I do not own a store but I would maybe reach out to @clairhair on bracelet book or Instagram and/or @innovate /@alexinnovations, perhaps they would be able to help you. 👍 Also on YouTube there should be step by step videos to opening a Esty shop, It may not be the same product but it will at least help guide you through it. I do know though that Etsy has a small fee of a couple cents to add a product to your shop's page. Also Alex (Alex innovations) has a video on her YouTube channel on how she packages her orders (also it shows some of the thing you need in/on the package) here is the link, Hope I helped at least a little! 😊 Good luck on opening up your shop. 🎉 |
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Andyish
haha ive wanted to do it but im so scared of getting rid of my bracelets
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by allierae54
I currently have a small store on etsy called VscoBrcltsStudio and have one bracelet posted but no luck on selling it so far 😢. When you post anything on etsy, there is a $0.20 fee for every single thing you post. For every sale, 5% of what you make from the bracelet is deducted from you like a tax and etsy keeps it. Personally, I am only selling one thing in my shop because I want to get out of debt before I start posting multiple bracelets at a time. I hope I answered some of your questions about selling on etsy 🙂.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by allierae54
@shsushzhdh For the question about how much to charge for the bracelet, I saw on another post here on braceletbook that someone was charging $0.25 for each string in the bracelet plus factor in time and effort. I use that algorithm plus I look at what other people on etsy are charging for their bracelets.
4 years, 10 months ago by thegothics
Most of the sellers on Etsy have their Paypal account linked so the money goes there. You can charge whatever you want, but keep in mind that the longer a bracelet takes to make and the more supplies used in it, the more profits you should make to cover your costs. Don't be afraid to ask for a price! It will always seem to you like you're charging too much, but I assure you you're not. The people who are really interested and know the value of that kind of work will be willing to pay! Also, don't beat yourself up if you don't make sales right away, it can take some time to build a good client base. Start slow. Have a few listings of patterns you really like to make at first, and have some stock ready beforehand. Talk to friends and family about your work, advertise on social media, and don't be afraid to show your creations every chance you get. Hope this helps! |