After spending 6+ hours on a bracelet, a friend asks for it. What’s your reaction?
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by tflame7942
For me, I’ll spend days working on bracelet and then my friend always asks me for it when I’m done. Does anybody struggle with giving away bracelets they intended to keep for themselves as well?
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by KikiLilou
Omg, yes! I have a pretty good collection of bracelets now and every time I take a look of them my grandma takes all she likes and says she would pay me for all of them and I should sell them. I just can't. It's like, I put all my time and work into these and I just can't seem to give them away.
4 years, 10 months ago by halokiwi
Maybe you can say something like that you did this one for yourself but that you could make one for their birthday, Christmas etc. Or that you could even teach them how to make one.I actually kinda have the opposite problem. I enjoy making bracelets but I'm only wearing a tiny part of them. Often I also do them with my friends in mind because I want to give them to them for their birthday or as a thank you. |
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by kid_u_knot
I understand where your coming from. The same thing happens to me sometimes. Just offer to make them one for a special even coming up or just tell them the truth. they should understand. 🙂
4 years, 10 months ago by isacooper
Omg i hate when other ppl ask for my bracelets. They never even know how much effort goes into them and then they expect me to just give it to them or they want one just like it. I usually use my best and favorite threads for myself and I really don’t like using them on bracelets i won’t even get to keep. Yes it’s a little selfish but it’s my time and effort so I think it’s justified😅
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by izzygirl
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by Andyish
just make a quick chinese staircase, or candystripe for them and it will make them feel speical. their getting what they asked for.. lol!
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by zarahlmao
I take so long to make bracelets and when i’m done with them, i want to keep them. if i’m making them for someone, i already know that i won’t be keeping it, so i don’t get attached. when i don’t wanna give a bracelet to someone, i just tell them i can make them one but in whatever colors they like. that way they don’t feel bad and you have more fun making bracelets!!
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by StyleKnots
Not many people know that I do bracelets, so people usually don't ask me about it. If it was a close friend, I would wait a little to decide. I'd let them know it took me 6 hours to finish. If I decide to give it away, I'd =give it to them on their birthday as a gift or for a special holiday. If decide not to, I'd probably offer them a different bracelet or politely tell them no.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by braceletmk
OMG my friends do that all the time!!! I try to teach them but they instantly give up. I might say that it is for someone in my family's birthday or something like that, but if it is like my best friend that I only maybe made 1 or 2 for them I might make the 2nd one of that bracelet to give to them for their birthday or Christmas or something
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by -avarxse-
I hate it when people ask, but that means that they like your bracelet. I usually don’t make them for people for their birthdays and Christmas, and only give them away if I offer to. People get REALLY mad when I say I don’t have enough time to make one for them, but there will and will always be some entitled people out there.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by kraftykat
this happens a lot, one time someone asked for a starburst that i had not finished after i had already spent half the day struggling with the triangle ends and i told them that it took me a very long time to do that part
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by AwesomeGrl
honestly, Ive been making bracelets for so long now, I don't mind, but I must admit its a little bit annoying. I just now I can make the same exact bracelet again if I like it.
4 years, 10 months ago by EliannaC
I totally understand what ur sayingthat happens to me all the time |
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by CraftsyCat
Everyone thinks that my bracelets are cool, though they never ask me for one. But thry do spend so much time obsessing over it, that, tbh I think they're secretly hoping I'll give it to them 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by tflame7942
@CraftsyCat Funniest response I’ve gotten yet 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by CraftsyCat
Haha 😂
4 years, 10 months ago by Margaron
For me, it really depends on how good of a friend it is. 😂 I've been making them for years so I don't really get super attached to many of them anymore so if someone asks for it friend or no, I tell them if they want to pay me for it then sure. However, close friends are a different story. If you're in my close circle of two or three friends that I legit hang out with all of the time then I will give you a bracelet or two because you've probably seen how long it takes to make and respect it. I will also take my personal supplies and I will sit down with you and teach you how to make them so you can make as many as you want and I can pass the craft on. On top of that, I make sure to give my friends a handcrafted item with any birthday or Christmas gift, close friend or no. That also reduces the hounding and they feel special because they have something unique.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by eallsoftba
I hate when this happens! I was making pattern #27540 and I had posted a picture of it on my snapchat story, and a friend who's more like an acquaintance asked if I could make her the bracelet. I hate saying no to people too so I just told her that I would make it but shorten it to just saying "Billie" instead of "Billie Eilish." Thankfully she was fine with it because the full pattern took about 4 days to make (including the long breaks that I took). Honestly, I like that people ask for bracelets, but at the same time it can be annoying because I've been trying to clear out my to do list. 😂 At this point though, it really just depends on the pattern for me because of how much free time I've had since quarantine began. A lot of my friends don't know about bracelet book though, so when they ask for a bracelet and provide the colors, I'm normally able to pick a more simple pattern to make.
Bracelet King
4 years, 10 months ago by saher
I would just say, enemies: "I don't give away pure effort to annoying creatures" friends: "sorry I don't have time!' BFF's: they don't ask bc the they know I put effort in making bracelets |