power ups!!! (please don't comment if you are not in my nature challenge)
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pulserasAG
@account482 @J3ssica @SORGINKATU @Nebulacat7 @Bombelina @pinktastic @dorywulan @oxygen8 @201217 @Lady2013 @leviOsa_09 @N1FFTY
Please don't comment if you're not tagged!!! I decided to create a topic in other so it doesn't get mixed up in the challenge
I was looking for ideas in old challenges and I came across a Disney challenge created by @ningc98 so a big hug!!!!!
I'm sad I join only 7 month ago and couldn't participate in your challenge because she had a super creative idea!! Her idea was:
The challenge was about Disney and there were three prizes per round and they could choose "power ups" like in competition shows!!
So I thought it was a super good idea!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately her bio says she's "no longer active" and she hasn't posted a photo or anything for a long time so I didn't want to bother her by sending her a message asking if she "gave me permission" but I decided to do it anyway and give her a credit!!
so my idea is:
i'm going to choose 3 people who have done the best job per round and the only thing they're going to win is a power up
this is just to make it more fun!!!

but you have to vote, do you want power ups or not?
put "yes!" or "no!"

and the one with the most votes will be the final decision!!

i decided to change some/add a couple in case you say yes here they are the power ups:
note‼️ you can only use them once each!!

immune: you can use it 𝓸𝓷𝓵𝔂 the first day of the round so you don't know if you're going to be eliminated or not but if you use it you can't be eliminated!

Theme picker:
I'll give you the options and you choose which one will be the next round! (you have to message me after I post the featured people for the round!!! and before I post the next round the only problem with this is that you have to do it fast because I’ll only wait one day between two rounds!

pattern picker:
You can pick a pattern for someone else to do. You’ll private message me who you’re picking a pattern for, and I’ll let them know. To avoid problems with the pattern you choose, if the decision wins you will have to set your own thread limits, color limits etc. so if someone wants to pick a pattern from you check your limits first! ‼️It can only be used on the first day the round appears‼️

line extender:
You get an extra extension of up to 3 days + the original base extension of 3 days just for you!!! (that is, you will get 3 extra days and the others will have to wait)
‼️you can use it at any time before everyone’s deadline‼️

fake points:
you will add one point to yourself per participant who is participating but it will NOT subtract from them ‼️you can use it only after you have uploaded YOUR photo‼️

unfair deadline:
you can subtract 3 days from the deadline BUT you can use it ONLY on the first day of the round and it will also affect you!! use it with caution if you know you are going to finish your pattern on time and in that round there will be NO extensions (unless I see that nobody finished lol 😄 )

the three outstanding people of the round will be able to choose one power up just send me a private message saying which one you are going to choose and in case you want to use the theme picker or the pattern picker send me a message and if you want to use any of the others put it in the round topic!!!
‼️note‼️ power ups CANNOT be used for the final!

‼️CREDIT‼️ of the idea @ningc98 big hug!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

please vote so I can decide!! ❤️
@pulserasAG ❤️
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by leviOsa_09
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by leviOsa_09
oh and i finished mine just need to upload the photo
2 weeks, 1 day ago by account482
yesss thats a great idea!
2 weeks, 1 day ago by N1FFTY
Yes! It sounds interesting
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by J3ssica
I don't care either way. I was in the Disney Challenge u r referring to though and had fun. I just don't like the thought of someone else choosing a pattern for me. But... I promise not to do it so... I'd hope nobody does it to me.
2 weeks, 1 day ago by SORGINKATU
Yessssssss 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pinktastic
Yassassssss!!! That sounds so cool” 🎉 🎉 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by 201217
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by Nebulacat7
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pulserasAG
@account482 @J3ssica @SORGINKATU @Nebulacat7 @Bombelina @pinktastic @dorywulan @oxygen8 @201217 @Lady2013 @leviOsa_09 @N1FFTY
all right!!!!!! 7 people said yes and one don't care so the power ups won by majority!!!!!!
so exited!!!!
also @leviOsa_09 so exited to see it!!! ❤️
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pulserasAG
@account482 @J3ssica @SORGINKATU @Nebulacat7 @Bombelina @pinktastic @dorywulan @oxygen8 @201217 @Lady2013 @leviOsa_09 @N1FFTY
also!!! please put your pattern limits like I will put:
alphas> up to 14 base strings no color limits
normals> up to 16 strings no color limits
if you have another thing you want to said put it also!!
please put your limits down here!!!!!
@pulserasAG ❤️
2 weeks, 1 day ago by N1FFTY
Ok, here are mine:
Alphas: up to 50 strings, no color limit
Normals: no more than 20 strings, no color limit
Also no shaped patterns pls
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by leviOsa_09
alphas up to 24 strings, normals really whatever, no shapes please
2 weeks, 1 day ago by Bombelina
I'm not very pleased with the power ups and don't like chanhging rules during the competition 🫣
I prefer simplicity 🤷‍♀️
@pulserasAG I would like to participate on the old terms.
If its not possibile feel free to exclude me from the eliminations.
2 weeks, 1 day ago by account482
Idk if this is alright but i still have no idea how to do alphas so if possible no alphas and normals up to 16 👍 if thats not okay we'll come up with a solution ❤️
2 weeks, 1 day ago by SORGINKATU
Alpha patterns up to 24 strings, no color limit, and I love shaped ones.
Normal patterns up to 18 strings, no color limit, but I don’t like patterns with F/B and B/F throughout the design 🙃
2 weeks, 1 day ago by SORGINKATU
I can only make shaped alpha patterns, like the well-known frog ones, and chain bracelets. But I have no idea how to make something like a star-shaped pattern, for example.
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pulserasAG
@Bombelina If you want, you can stay out of this and others will not be able to complicate you with their power ups. (that is, they cannot choose patterns for you, shorten your deadline, etc.) ❤️
That is the fairest thing I can do since it is true that we "change" the rules in the middle of the challenge so, whoever wants can stay out of this and compete normally ❤️
Bracelet King
2 weeks, 1 day ago by pulserasAG
@Bombelina is right, as this was added to the challenge when it had already started, whoever wants can use them, but whoever doesn't want to, say so and they will be left out of this and will participate normally without the power ups thing ❤️