NASA Hunch
Bracelet King
3 weeks ago by leviOsa_09
hey! i started doing one of the NASA Hunch projects, and was wondering if someone else knew about it or did it?NASA Hunch is a program with NASA. they release different projects each year and groups of high school kids solve them by making a prototype and everything and presenting to the nasa engineers. i’m doing the ‘lunar ejecting robot’ project! i started with a team but they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING so i left them and it becaume a solo project! it’s taking up like all my time right now and im not close to finishing but im presenting in like 2 weeks 😬😬😬 wish me luck! |
3 weeks ago by slin
I've never heard of it but it definitely sounds intresting!! OMG I hate when we have to do like group projects and people don't do their part and you get left with all of it. I'm so sorry that happended to you and you don't deserve it!! Honestly rooting for you so hard and good luck on your presentation! I'd love to know how it goes (but no pressure to respond) YOU GOT THIS!!!!