Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by leviOsa_09
please please please i really need advice

so at the beginning of the school year i joined this really cool club where you design project for actual nasa engineers, and in february we get to go down and present our projects to them. i really like the idea, and was even voted secretary/treasurer (after a terrible speech…).

we’re assigned into groups of like 4, and are supposed to pick a project from a list and build and code a solution.

one of my friends was put into my group - was also on my robotics team last year but had too many other things going on and eventually stopped coming, which resulted in it becoming a 2 person project. At the beginning when groups were formed, i told my teacher that i wanted people on my team that would actually put in the work and everything.

so we start, have a few meetings, where it’s literally only 2 people there out of a team of 6, and i’m trying to figure it out but have no freaking clue what to do or
anything, and every week i go into it dreading it, then come out hating it and wanting to quit. but it’s a really great idea, and if i were with people who actually did stuff i could enjoy it, but it’s not fun anymore.

i send out weekly emails telling the people who weren’t there what happened, what needs to get done and everything, but i’m almost 100% sure no one reads them. i have no way of contacting them other than that, so i’ve included a phrase for them to email me back with, normally it’s 1 maybe 2 people that do it out of our 6 person team.

we had to present to the engineers - literally only 2 of us showed, and the other person isn’t the best with presenting. who does it fall to? ME! it’s ALWAYS ME who has to pick up the slack… we’re also severely behind in our project….

to make things worse, one person quit the team (she didn’t really do anything to help), but then my friend who quit robotics also may have to quit, and i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to say told u so, but im a nice person…

so now, im stuck here, hating every tuesday afternoon because we’re behind and have to create a whole freaking prototype but i have no clue what to do bad it’s turning into a whole solo project. my teammates (when they show up) don’t do anything at the meetings unless i hold their hand and tell them EXACTLY what to do.

i have to finish someone else’s slide of our powerpoint and then create a 3d model of something to give to my teacher to 3d print, even though we’re already behind and im always in the bathroom crying during these meetings because it’s really freaking hard when i don’t know what to do and im wondering is it really worth it?

i REALLY REALLY REALLY just want to say see ya and quit, but its not gonna help them. i want to go down to present to the nasa engineers, but i can’t do the work by myself to get our team there, and they’re not gonna help me so what’s the point?

whenever i tried to talk to my teacher, he just tried to “light a fire” to motivate my team members to do it, but it hasn’t worked…

so thank you for reading to my long rant 😊 i feel a little better now. any advice for what i should do? i’m really stuck here
Bracelet King
2 months, 2 weeks ago by 201217
I know you are a nice person but you need to take out your inner boss and out them in line. I’m not saying yell at them or anything but take charge and call a meeting or something and make sure EVERYONE IS THERE. Tell them it’s really important and if they say they can’t come, make a zoom or something. Tell them they need to start working together as a whole team and all make an effort. Tell them how much you have been doing and that they need to help too. Hope this helps!