Supernatural fans!
2 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Im a big fan of supernatural, (if you couldnt tell already), so I wanna find some other people who feel the same! If you havent watched the whole series yet, its okay, however do know there may be some spoilers! Ima ask a few questions, and feel free to answer any, or all of them! (Im also including my answers)

Favorite character(s)

Favorite quotes

Favorite Dean And Cass moment

Favorite Dean and Sam moment

Favorite episode

Favorite season

Favorite demon (Mines Crowley)

How do you feel about Dean And Castiel's more "Profound bond" 😜 🤔

Have you been to a convention?

How many times have you watched it, (Or where are you right now whilst watching it)
2 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Oops, I acctually forgot to include my answers, whoop 😂 Ill answer when we get a few people rolling in
2 months, 2 weeks ago by AdyMerck_1
You know what's crazy? I see this post WHILE I'M WATCHING SUPERNATURAL!!!!

So here's my favorites:

Characters: ALL

Quotes: "I've always wanted to punch the devil in the face."- Mary Winchester "AgHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHhHh....... tHaT wAs ScArY" - Dean Winchester

Dean And Cass moment: I don't have one

Dean and Sam moment: When Sam is trying to explain what has been happening to him in the episode "Mystery Spot"

Favorite Episode: The French Mistake

Favorite season: 3&4

I do not know how I feel about "dEaStIeL" but its there

I have never been to a convention

I am watching it for like my 5th time rn 🤪
2 months, 2 weeks ago by jffoley1
Lol, that is crazy, and its all very good answers too!
MIne are:
Favorite quotes: Crowley: "wheres your moose?" Dean: " Pudding! Crazy works!" " Saving people, hunting things, the family buisness." Sam: "I lost my shoe." Cass: "Hey ass-but" "Well, we do share a more profound bond. I wasnt gonna mention anything." "if the babysitter loves the babysitter so much, why does she keep slapping her rear?" Bobby:" Igit." And I could go on forever.

I have been to a convention!

One of my favorite dean and Cass moments are: " We do share a more profound bond." "Cass.." "I wasnt gonna mention anything"

Fav seasons, 4,5!

Im watcing it over again, lost count on how many times.

Fav episode: The mystery spot."

I know I forgot a few, but I need to think a little harder on them lol