Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by banankage
I see a lot of patterns related to Israel and Judaism are getting bad ratings. I don’t think it’s fair especially the ones that are only about Judaism. Just because you don’t like a country doesn’t mean that you should stop RESPECTING a religion. the creators of these patterns put just as much work into them as any other pattern creator so they deserve to be rated the same way. Please can we be respectful!! (I’m in no way trying to start a fight but seeing these ratings make me sad and a little angry and I want it to stop)
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by cecibee87
@banankage I agree with you. People need to just skip over these patterns if they don’t like them. There’s no need to rate them low. Be kind.
3 months, 2 weeks ago by skytech
Yeah i agree completely
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by Cow28
This is a great point. If you don’t like a pattern just leave it alone. Rating patterns badly is mean and most patterns with bad ratings are bad because people don't agree with their message. BraceletBook is supposed to be a welcoming place and this does not contribute to that.
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by KuteKat
Thank you for saying this!! ❤️
3 months, 2 weeks ago by miri10
כל הכבוד לך!! שהעלתה את זה , אם יש דפוס שאתם לא מסכימים איתו פשוט אל תדרגו אותו!!!!!!
Bracelet King
3 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
I kinda agree for religious stuff I agree but like I've seen so many patterns that r not good for younger kids I usually just scroll down but I can't imagine a younger veiwer seeing that |
Bracelet King
2 months, 3 weeks ago by swimmer1
@ElinBeck22 yeah, same