Bracelet King
4 months ago by swimmer1
This is a story I wrote abt Sophie and Keefe! Pls give me feedback on what you think of it! (⚠️ CAUTION THSI MY CONTAIN SPOILERS ⚠️)Keefe and Sophie’s wedding day Sophie was so exited. This was the day that every girl looked forward to. Her wedding day. When she first arrived in the lost cities she had always thought that she liked Fitz, but his anger issues grew to be to much for her. And that day she kissed Keefe… she knew she liked him before but now it was…different. She… loved him. She was so nervous about how Fitz would react, that she almost forgot that Biana was there. “Oh Sophie!! I’m so happy for you!” she said, giving Sophie a strangling hug. “I honestly thought that you and Fitz were just meant for each other since the day him and my dad found you, but I think you made the right decision. I know that Fitz has anger issues and would be the most stubborn person ever to live with.” Sophie gave her a weak smile but on the inside she felt like she would break at the mention of Fitz’ name. She was positive that she still wanted to marry Keefe, and she loved him, but she was still super nervous. She looked over to where Edaline was hemming her dress. The dress was a creamy white that went all the way to the floor, and kept trailing in the back. It had sleeves that fell loosely around her shoulders and little Panake blossoms along the neck line. When she saw the blossoms, tears came to her eyes at the memory of Calla, the gnome who had sacrificed her life to save to rest of the gnomes, and when gnomes die they turn into Panakes trees, which are trees with pink and purple flowers that had healing powers. Sophie looked over to where her brides maids were getting ready. Lihn, Biana, Grizel, and Ro. She was a bit nervous about Grizel. She didn’t know how Fitz would react to his own bodyguard in her wedding. And not a wedding where she was marrying him. The wedding was being held at Havenfield under Calla’s Panakes tree. There were five minutes until the brides maids would start walking down the aisle with Keefe’s groomsmen, Dex, Wiley, and Sandor. Keefe had wanted Fitz to be one of them, but Fitz had told Keefe that he wouldn’t be in the wedding, and probably wouldn’t be there at all. That had made Sophie cry when Keefe had told her. Her and Fitz had been friends since the very beginning. But she was trying not to cry right now so she decided to think of something else. Ro had refused to walk down the aisle with anyone one, and Sophie said that was fine as long as she wore the dress. Ro hadn’t put up with that very well, but in the end she had given up. Right then Grady poked his head in the tent that the girls were getting ready in with his hand over his eyes. “Are you girls almost ready? The groom is starting to fidget.” “Yes we are. We just have to get Sophie to put on her dress,” said Biana, walking up to Grady and slowly pushing his head out of the tent. “Well you might want to hurry up, the triplets are just about ready to have a wedding cake war,” he said before ducking out of the tent. The triplets were Dex’s little siblings, Rex, Bex and Lex. Lex and Rex were boys and Bex was a girl, and even though they were only twelve they always seemed to be stirring up trouble, which made Sophie nervous about having them be the ring bearers and flower girl. The boys would probably hid the rings somewhere and Lex would probably start throwing flower petals at the guests. But she tried to remind herself that Dex had told the triplets that if they ruined anything, they would be dead as soon as the wedding ended, and they looked serious when they said they understood. “Are you ready to put on your dress Sophie?” Biana asked. “Oh, I’m so exited for you Sophie! I can’t believe your getting married!” she said giving Sophie a hug. “Sorry, go ahead,” Lihn said, motioning toward the dress with a shy smile. “It’s ok. I’m fine with your helping me stall. I’m so nervous,” Sophie said. Edaline gave Sophie a hug and whispered to her, “your going to do great. I’m so proud of you.” When Sophie had put on her dress she felt like a ogre was squeezing all the oxygen out of her. “To tight?” said Edaline. Sophie nodded with a weak smile. Edaline loosened the dress in the back and Sophie inhaled a huge breath of air. “Much better,” she said. “Thank you.” “Are you girls ready?” Edaline asked. That looked around and nodded. Edaline gave Sophie one more hug and whispered, “I love you, Sophie.” Sophie whispered to her, “I love you too, Mom,” before Edaline went out of the tent to go sit down. When the music started playing Ro was the first to walk down the aisle. Even though most of the guests there were used to seeing Ro, there were a few gasps and whispers from the guests. Ro smiled at that, but she kept walking at a slow pace. Next were Lihn and Wiley. Lihn was so beautiful as she seemed to float down the aisle on the arm of Wiley. Wiley looked so strong and handsome, just like his father, Prentice. As soon as Lihn and Wiley had taken their places, Sandor and Grizel started walking. For a big, muscular goblin, Sandor looked very handsome. And Grizel was absolutely beautiful. All of Sophie’s bridesmaids wore straight, floor length teal dresses. The sleeves were elbow length and along the neckline there were Panakes blossoms to match Sophie’s dress. There was a sash that was pink with purple strikes, the colors of the Panakes blossoms, tied around their waists. The men were wearing black suits, white shirts, teal ties and pink shoes. That had been Sophie’s idea, and even though Keefe didn’t want his groomsmen men to wear pink shoes, and the groomsmen wholeheartedly agreed, Keefe said he’d do anything for Sophie. He had also pouted that he couldn’t call her Foster anymore, and since he didn’t want to call her Sencen he had to call he “boring old Sophie” as he put it. When Sandor and Grizel were down the aisle, Dex and Biana started walking. Of course, Biana was beautiful. Her hair was curled so it blew in the wind at just the right angle. Dex looked equally handsome, with his fitted suit and hair the style that Biana had told him would look good so many years ago. As soon as they got down the aisle, the music became slower and airy. All of the guests stood up as the certain opened. Grady gave Sophie a smile and offered his arm to her. I can do this. I’m doing this for love, not for a show. She took a deep breath, and took Grady’s arm. She looked at Keefe and smiled, and he looked at her with wide sparkling eyes and an adorably sweet version of his smirk. She looked toward her bridesmaid who were all smiling at her, and Ro gave a thumbs up. She looked over at the groomsmen, who were also smiling at her, and Sandor was wiping away a tear. She looked at everyone who had come there to show here that they loved her, that they cared about her. Edaline, Alden, Della, Elwin, Marella and her family, Tam, the Dizznees, Jensi, and… Fitz. She had kept herself from crying until then, but she was so happy she couldn’t stop herself. She was so happy and couldn’t stop her huge smile, and Fitz smiled too. That smile said everything. It said I’m sorry, it said you made the right decision, it said… you look beautiful. Sophie knew what he meant. He wasn’t trying to change her mind, he was just telling her she looked beautiful. She looked at Keefe again and he understood. He looked toward Fitz and after a few seconds Keefe gave him a thumbs up. It was ok now. Fitz had apologized and Keefe and Sophie had forgiven him. When Sophie and Grady were all the way down the aisle Mr. Forkle asked him a question and then Grady sat down with Edaline. Sophie faced Keefe, and gave him a nervous smile. He gave her a smile too. Sophie didn’t hear much of the talking that Mr. Forkle did, until he said, “Keefe to you take this woman to be you lawfully wedded wife?” Keefe looked a Sophie with a shy smile and said, “I do.” “Sophie, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?” She looked at Keefe, who smiled, and then at Fitz who nodded and smiled. “I do,” she said quietly, smiling at Keefe. Mr. Forkle looked at Keefe and said, “you may kiss the bride.” Sophie leaned up and kissed him. Everyone clapped and stood up… even Fitz. “Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Sencen!” Mr. Forkle yelled over the cheering. Keefe lifted Sophie into the air, and then hugged her and kissed the top of her head. Bex ran up to them and gave Sophie a big hug and said, “now you have to have babies so I can babysit them!” Sophie smiled and leaned against Keefe. “Congratulations Sophie and Keefe!” Said Kesler running up and grabbing Bex by the arm. “And I’m so sorry about Bex,” he said. “She’s ok, no reason to apologize. And thank you!” Sophie said with a big smile. Keefe nudged her and said, “ are you ready to party?” “Of course! I just need to talk to someone really quick.” “Ok, I’ll wait for you right here,” he said. “Sophie started looking for Fitz but in just a few seconds she felt a tap on her shoulder. “I was looking for you,” she said as she turned around. “Congratulations! That was the best wedding I’ve been to,” Fitz said, giving her a hug. She hugged him back, but then she said,”are you mad at me?” Of course not,” he said. “All I ever wanted was for you to be happy, and if this is where your happy, this is where I’m happy too.” “Hi Fitz!” Are we all good?” Keefe said. Sophie rolled her eyes and smiled. “Of course, I could never stay mad at my best friend,” Fitz said, giving Keefe a hug. “Good, because there’s a whole cake inside calling mine and Sophie’s names, and I think I hear a whisper of your name to,” Keefe said with his signature smirk. “But first I have to carry my bride inside,” he said and picked Sophie up, and carried her into the house. The End Sorry it’s REALLY long, so if you read it, I’d love to hear your thoughts! Thanks, bye! |
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by swimmer1
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by swimmer1
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by knots10
LOVE IT 🥰♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by fishyknots
aww I love it!! 🩷
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by swimmer1
@knots10 thanks!!
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by swimmer1
@fishyknots thanks!!
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by swimmer1
If y’all have any ideas on what I should write about next (KOTLC themed) go ahead and tell me. I’d love new ideas that I can write about so you guys can read them!
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by leviOsa_09
it was really good! a few grammatical errors, but i liked it!also, i would suggest checking your ages - you said that Rex, Bex, and Lex were 12 - thats about how old they are in stellarlune, so would Sophie and Keefe be getting married when they're 15/16? |
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by swimmer1
@leviOsa_09 Yeah, my friend just told me that lol 😂 I’ll change it soon. Thank for the compliment!
Bracelet King
3 months, 3 weeks ago by knots10
Do Sandro and Grizel’s Wedding! ♥️♥️♥️