Best friend problems
Bracelet King
4 months ago by maxbraclet
Hey everyone my best friend and I are falling apart because of what she likes to do isn’t what i like to do and it’s been difficult on top of everything else that’s going on Like im having a lot of stress and anxiety about everything lately My question for you guys should i try and become better friends with her or should i let her go? |
Bracelet King
4 months ago by ElinBeck22
What kind of stuff cause it really depends
Bracelet King
4 months ago by maxbraclet
@ElinBeck22 can you explain more
Bracelet King
4 months ago by ElinBeck22
What kind of stuff do u guys have ur differences in?
Bracelet King
4 months ago by maxbraclet
@ElinBeck22 i mean were not really agreeing on things even tho we used too always
Bracelet King
4 months ago by ElinBeck22
I go through fazes with the same problems with my two best friends so after a couple months I'm really good friends with one of them then we have our differences and then I'm closer to the other then the other friend I'm really good friends with for a while then it switches again if that makes since. it'll probably get better but idk ur guys history together so its hard to say but it'll most likely get better but I'm really bad at giving good advise so idk 😂
4 months ago by goregirl
Sorry to hear! Sometimes as we grow up our friendships change. Someone who was a best friend might not be anymore, or you’ll find yourself connecting easily with others who you weren’t close with in the past. It’s okay for friends to have differences and different views but if it’s something like politics/lifestyle/ morals then it might be a dealbreaker. You have to decide if this difference is big enough to end a friendship over. Also you can ask for space/distance yourself for a bit to collect your thoughts before you decide to end the friendship or have a talk and makeup
Bracelet King
4 months ago by maxbraclet
@ElinBeck22 @goregirl is ended yhe relationship between us
Bracelet King
4 months ago by ElinBeck22
4 months ago by goregirl
@maxbraclet I’m sorry to hear that! Hope you’re ok
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by maxbraclet
@ElinBeck22 @goregirl um thank u for ur support
Bracelet King
3 months, 4 weeks ago by ElinBeck22