how is everyone genuinely doing. let’s talk ab how what’s going on rn and how everyone is
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
Hi guys, I really wanna know how everyone is, we can talk ab how you’re taking/ dealing with it, any struggles or rants, or fun things you’ve been doing to keep busy!!!! (And of course what bracelets you’ve made). Idk we have a lot of time on our hands rn, let’s get to know each other and also heal 😌 this is a judgement free zone ya’ll
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by Someone_
Under current circumstances I am doing 'fairly' well. I haven't done that many bracelets since being under a lock-down (probably done 2 or 3) as I have been feeling quite stressed, and anxious (which is weird because normally these two things would make me knot more🤨). Slightly annoyed because my Fiance was away, and then all of the travel stopped and I'd much rather face this with him (especially seeing how he has asthma😐), so that's a bummer. But he thinks he'll be able to return on Saturday(😄), so fingers crossed that works out. Also concerned for family members, and friends as anyone would be. But I'm trying to stay positive as much as I can during this difficult time. I'll shut up now (😂). I hope all is well with you, your friends and family(?), and everyone else's!Stay safe! 🙂❤️ |
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
Aww omg I’m sorry your fiancé isn’t with you rn! I hope he comes back to you safe and well, and quickly of course. And I totally understand that I’ve only made 1 alpha but I’ve been stressed too, my sister recently moved in with us before all of this happened so I also have my nephews living with us now too, she just started a new job at a nursing home near a hospital right when we all needed to start quarantining which has been feeding into my paranoia because I don’t think he
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by kat_r_s11
@soupguy4 I like that you're checking in! I am not too worried, my strategy is just not to think about what's going on. I made a rose alpha recently and the braids on the ends kept coming undone so I stopped making alphas for a bit, then got frustrated because I failed to complete more than 10 rows of a challenge pattern (messed up a fb knot or something) so I haven't been doing much with bracelets. I hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe! 🙂
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
*she is taking it very seriously, plus have to care for an infant and a toddler all day in the house is hard because you can only entertain them so much, and I feel bad because the 3 year old doesn’t understand and I feel so bad. Plus I recently just got sick even though I haven’t left my house in about a week when we were told we should stay in and it was before my town blew up with cases
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
@kat_r_s11 hey!! I hope you post some pics so we can see em!!! And omg I have the same problems sometimes! I like alphas the most but I’ll always overcount the dimensions and end up making it one string bigger cause the dimensions count the tying string and I’ll make the base and everything and once I get to the pattern I’ll realize it’s not the right amount of strings so I’ll just sit there and contemplate why I was born, cause I do it almost everytime I make a bracelet without even thinking about it. And I noticed nobody really talking ab it, which makes sense this is a bracelet app, but we’re still people and we’re all going through the same thing rn, and I really wanna
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
*know ab peoples well being and if they need to talk they can talk
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
I’m so bad at typing on this omg I’m sorry 😂😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by kat_r_s11
@soupguy4 Haha right? Or like when you make a bracelet and repeat it a few times and it's too short but if you repeat it again it's too long so you make it too short and then you're done and you're like wait...could have done a few more rows 😂
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by kat_r_s11
@soupguy4 And about the virus...there's one case in my town right now so I'm a little anxious but other than that I think that if we all just wash our hands really well and practice social distancing we can get through this
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
@soupguy4 oh gosh, I hope it stays low by you for sure, cause then everyone will be all good, in my state we’re the second highest county with positive tests so that’s why we’ve been on lockdown and it’s been like extra scary here, and before this all happened at work i was always scared cause I’m a barber and I come in contact with so many people,e and
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by Someone_
@soupguy4 Thank you for the kind words ❤️ I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure dealing with young children at this time is very hard, I can't even imagine how tough it is. I really hope you manage to stay well and healthy. I hope this new sickness of yours is unrelated to what is going around. I wish you all the best! ❤️
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
Me and my coworkers were scared but the state closed all hair nail salons and barbershops so we’ve all been in isolation for about a week now, not bad at all but it certainly does suck, and omg is the news making my fear a lot bigger. But yes social distancing is so important and being mindful. The problem over here is I live in an area that’s very populated and a lot of people have a “I’m invincible” attitude, but that’s jersey for you sometimes 😅
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
@Someone_ thank you you’re so sweet😊😊 keep us updated with everything too if you can! And I hopefully think it’s unrelated, I haven’t been coughing or having like breathing issues and I have asthma so it’s a very good sign that this has nothing to do with it, but I’m feeling a lot better today. Thank you for your kind words as well, and I hope you’re just making the best of this 💕💕
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by CrazyKenzy
Im happy because I’m not going insane thanks to bracelet making and the amazing community 😁
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
That’s true!! @CrazyKenzy bracelet making really is an awesome outlet and I’m really happy I learned how to make them, and I really love how nice everyone is on this app😊😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by muddybeetl
I’m freaking out a little because my spring break is ending and my college moved classes online and my adhd is gonna make working on schoolwork at home soooo hard. I cannot focus at home 😭 but I’m healthy and I’m grateful for it
4 years, 11 months ago by soupguy4
@muddybeetl sorry I’m responding a little late!! Btw I love your name it’s great, I’m sorry ab you having to continue classes online, I have adhd too and I know that would be a killer for me to try and stay concentrated, but honestly I’m sure for now if you try hard enough you’ll be capable!! You just being in college just shows truly how smart and capable you already are!!! I dropped out of community college after 3 days because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do it 😅😂 just take the mental breaks you need to get you through it, and don’t over work yourself and over focus!!! You’ll do great hun, I’m proud of you for doing what you’re doin!!!! Also I’m happy to hear you’re healthy and doing well😊
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by So_Knotty
This is the most wholesome forum post ever