Help me (give me advice on my life)
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by dritten527
So I realised I like this guy. Here’s the background info:

In my form class(mixed grades) but is a year above me
He jokes about my height but everyone does (and he’s short too), and we just generally joke around
His friends have shipped us when we were talking (twice) but his reaction has been “you know who I like!” 😢
Another person in his year also shipped us
On Monday for both breaks me and him sat at a table in the library talking
Similar thing Tuesday but when I went to read he was like “please I need someone to talk to and am lonely”
We joke a lot but I don’t know if that’s just his personality
On Wednesday his friends were back and he was with them the rest of the week. That’s when I realised I liked him 🤦‍♀️
I still occasionally talked to him before school and on the way to class (I was ahead but he caught up with me to talk)
I’m getting mixed signals and am confused. Any advice on what to do next?
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by BabyWren12
ugh thats so tough
in my opinion everything but the fact that he was like 'u know who I like' is pointing to YES but in general when people joke about it with the person they actually like their more like nooo I don't like her/him and stuff so idk, if u could get close with the friends and then ask them cuz they might be honest, especially if u admit that u like him.
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by dritten527
Thanks a lot for your opinion @BabyWren12. His friends are all older than me and a bit… odd. And they’d probably just tell him. My ideal situation is that we keep talking and hopefully I change his mind.