pls give me advice 🫶🏼
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
so last school year there was this boy who i knew. we were friends in school but never talked out of school. he liked me a lot and would try to make moves but i would decline every time. (i wasn’t interested) at formal he asked me to dance multiple times as well and i decided. well at the very end of the year i realized i was catching feelings for him. so during the summer i added him on snap. we started snapping a ton and would stay up until like 4 every night just talking. we told each other so many things and learned everything abt each other. he wouldn’t let me talk bad abt myself and would always call me beautiful and could just always make me feel so important. towards the end of summer i was going thru a hard time and i started being dry and just kind of rude. when school started back up he would try to talk to me at school and i would just shrug him off. i could tell i was hurting him. a few weeks ago i typed out a paragraph while he was in the shower basically saying that “i think it would be better if we stopped “talking” or whatever we were doing. and that i felt like he was lying to me abt things” he denied lying but agreed we should move on. the next one of our mutuals was asking me abt us and i told him we stopped talking. well he was like “he told me abt y’all playing the game tg with his sister and her boyfriend” and “he’s telling people y’all are talking” “he told me everything” so i texted him and asked him. he said “i haven’t told anyone anything abt us” and i told him it was no big deal but to just tell me the truth (bc i honestly didn’t care. just don’t lie to me yk?) well i snapped and we got into a big argument. then we didn’t talk at all for a few weeks. on tuesday of this week i tried to start snapping him again bc i rlly miss him and i just feel so bad. well he snapped me back and said “why are you snapping me all of a sudden” and i made up an excuse and he just replied and said “alright.” and left me on opened. i just want him back. he didn’t deserve to be treated how i treated him but idk how to go abt this. pls help 🫶🏼
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
he’s just genuinely so sweet and i feel like a horrible person bc just bc i was going through things didn’t mean i had to take it out on him. he helped me sm.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
i think y’all should probably talk in person or at least facetime and just sort things out. like just figure out what really happened, listen to each others side of the story. i feel like this is just a misunderstanding or some sort of misinterpretation between y’all and you’ll get through it. good luck!
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
I have problems with a guy too 😕
Me and this one guy likes each other but we only see each other in the summer time but that's a really long story.
My advice to u is probably tell him ur feelings tell him u messed-up. I don't know I'm not an expert 😜 but I would say tell him how u feel about him.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ningc98 @ElinBeck22 yeah i need to tell him how i feel and apologize fs. but i’m scared. idk why. i’ll try to talk to him in person but idk if i can make myself do that
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
get like your closest friend(s) to tell him that you need to talk to him and have them pass the message then talk to them with them close by. he could also have his friends close by but at the same time they need to be out of the way yk so y’all can talk in private
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ningc98 that’s a rlly good idea. my friends have been talking to me abt him bc they know that i still have feelings. thank you so much i truly appreciate your help 🩷
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
yeah good luck! If u need someone to talk to I'm free to talk 😊
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
Hey! Can u tell me how it goes?
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ElinBeck22 tysmm i will 🫶🏼
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by ElinBeck22
Okay 😊