drop anything that has made you mad say or happy page 2
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by KnotsBySav
I went shopping yesterday ❤️
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
@KnotsBySav aww was it fun
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by KnotsBySav
Bracelet King
5 months, 1 week ago by ElinBeck22
It's been two months since I've seen my crush so this last Friday I saw one of his friends and asked for his phone number and got it. And we were talking for a few minutes yesterday then he had to be done cause he had company over he said he'll text me later he still hasn't so now I'm just waiting I'm hoping he'll text back soon though.
5 months ago by SarahWithH
This made me mad. A while ago I figured out how to make my own tracks and instrumentals, and when I showed my mom she said wow and nothing more. Recently I taught my sister how to do it (she’s older than me) and when she showed my mom she absolutely went crazy. She kept on going on and on and telling everyone how good it was without even acknowledging that it was I who taught it to her. I would have understood more if she gave me the same attention when I showed her a few months ago but she literally didn’t care as much while I did it on my own without help. She still claims she has no favorites
Bracelet King
5 months ago by maxbraclet
@SarahWithH she definitely has a favorite but don’t worry your my favorite
Bracelet King
5 months ago by Lava_Lav
today the choir members and I sang silly songs in the school library when no one was there, not caring about cctv >:]
Bracelet King
5 months ago by harrypotty
something that made me mad was finding out that an ex friend called me annoying behind my back. idrc too much that she called me annoying, more so the fact that her saying that means they have to have been talking about me (although i dont see how im annoying either, im the one who keeps my interactions with her to a minimum, and shes the one who keeps bringing her friends and sitting at the table im sitting at at lunch, so shes the one whos consistently being around me). she told it to someone who i thought was a friend, but im kind of questioning it because they were also contributing to talking about me behind my back, even though they would NOT take someone talking about them. i'm more so angry at the fact that i was talked about rather than the actual thing said itself, but i can't tell if there was more i wasn't being told of or not. me and this person (not directly, but she and her friends did some stuff to my friends that i won't get into as its not my story) have had problems before, so it could also be resentment seeping into my feelings, but either way i'm annoyed. jeez, i sure know how to ramble, thanks for reading
Bracelet King
5 months ago by chris07
my bf said he missed me so much while texting me and I just had to smile ❤️ 😊
4 months, 3 weeks ago by amycrochet
I had a slice of apple pie! It made me look up to the heavens. 😍
Bracelet King
4 months, 3 weeks ago by maxbraclet
Today is my birthday