challenge prizes?
6 months, 1 week ago by tabigray
do challenge prizes like "rate 5 of your patterns 5 stars" or "gives loves to 5 of your patterns" actually motivate anyone? i'm thinking of hosting a challenge for the first time and those are probably the prizes i see the most, and to me they don't really matter at all. if it's an interesting challenge i'd participate either way just because i want to make a cool bracelet. prizes like "i'll make one of your patterns" seem a lot more motivating but i understand why more ppl don't do that because it is a lot more work.

do you guys have any insight on that? what are some challenge prizes that would actually be motivating to you?
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by Arkengheis
I do like the loves, moreso than ratings. It's nice to have more loves on a pattern, makes it show up earlier if you order by loves. For the one challenge I hosted, i tried loving and rating patterns i actually liked though, not just the last 5 or something.

Maybe making variations of people patterns could be a thing ? I also considered making a pattern as a prize, but idk if people would like that.
6 months, 1 week ago by Greyson11
as someone who doesn’t even make patterns those challenge prizes feel a bit ehh… like even if i had patterns i wouldn’t have them to try and get famous i’d just have them to look clear for myself and make it accessible for others who might be looking for a pattern like it. For me those challenge prizes just feel a bit like buying likes or a follow for follow type of thing which are both childish (Though i don’t know what the main age of people on this website is, perhabs its just me and some 9 year olds here who knows)

personally i’d maybe look into making them a custom blinkie or stamp for they’re profile? (like the myspace and tumblr era ones which say something like your username the challange name 2024 and the winners user and then make it gold, silver and bronze or anything like that though that does take up a bit more work but i mean one you kinda have your template its not that much more work) you can ofc also make one of their patterns if they even have any which for me if i had patterns would be cool but i’d also be a bit insecure as i wouldn’t want anyone to make my patterns because they have to yk?
6 months, 1 week ago by tabigray
@Greyson11 that's pretty much my thoughts exactly! i only joined bb a couple months ago and didn't start making patterns until recently, so whenever i saw that i was like ??but what do i do?? and i totally get what you mean about it feeling childish. from what i can tell from the ppl who post the most regularly, it does seem to skew younger, which makes a certain amount of sense considering that making friendship bracelets is a classic summer camp activity for kids.

making them a custom blinkie for their profile is really smart! unfortunately i don't think the website allows images in profiles, or in fact anywhere other than submitted to patterns. i looked through the first page of challenges and there were a few ppl offering custom pfps, which i guess fulfills the same sort of customizable image reward. and plenty of ppl offer shoutouts in their bio too.

i wouldn't mind making someone's pattern as a 1st place reward (or if they don't make any patterns then a pattern of their choice). and then maybe a custom pfp + ratings for the other places?
6 months ago by Greyson11

oooh yeah hadn’t considered the fact this site doens't allow any images nor html or css oops
and i think thats a good idea, i mean better then just some likes anyways. Maybe (if you like to make patterns) you can like design a pattern for the winner and they can choose like whatever they want on one and you design the pattern, maybe like a leaderboard in your profile bio for shoutouts or something and stuff like that