what order do you get ready in? 🫧🧴
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by tkd2010
mine is: skincare, hair, makeup, outfit.
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
Wake up. Stare at the wall for 30-45 minutes for no reason whatsoever. Decide to get outa bed. Brush hair. Get dressed (maybe). Skincare. Makeup. Teeth. Lay in my bed some more scrolling on Pinterest or smthn. Lol. Decide to do something else. This all happens in a time span of 1-2 hours. 😭💀
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by tkd2010
@EdenB real. i wake up at 5:45 for school and leave at 7:15. my actual routine is: wake up, use the bathroom, feed my inside cat, brush teeth, put in my contacts, skincare, hair, makeup, make my bed, send streaks, scroll my phone, get dressed, pack my backpack, feed my outside cat, pack my lunch, shoes, perfume.
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
Real 😭
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
wake up, lie there till my parents yell at me to get up, bathroom, take out contacts (i wear night contacts), get changed, practice violin, breakfast, brush teeth, skin care, hair, makeup, do advanced math hw, pack stuff, scroll through my phone (send streaks, insta, tiktok), shoes, leave. i get up at 7 but my school starts at 8:55 so i leave at around 8:30
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by 201217
Wake up. Lay there until my alarm makes me annoyed. Get dressed. Brush hair. Eat breakfast. Do anything useless until like 1 minute before the bus comes. Race to the bus stop thinking I’ll be late cause I was being useless. Bus ends up being late. Stand there waiting. Finally get picked up by bus.
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by ichika
On the days i work its wake up, use the bathroom, get my uniform on, get my shoes on, brush my teeth, then fix my hair. On days i dont work its whatever lol
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by KuteKat
Wake up. Fall back asleep. Wake up. Lay in bed. Get up. Get dressed. Wash up. Get my stuff for school. Drive to school.
6 months, 1 week ago by Amphy
I set one alarm at 7:00 then one at 7:30 so I can get 30 extra minutes of sleep, then I give my dog a kiss and do my hair - I have curly hair so I can't brush it, so I have to wet it and work from there 😭- then I do my skincare ✨ do my makeup, and then get dressed, then jewelry, and get all my stuff together and I usually put my shoes on in the car <3
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
Wow im so simple @Amphy @KuteKat @ichika i wake up, early for cross country, i come home take a shower, pick out an outfit while listening to Sabrina carpenters new album, eat a quick breakfast do my hair but lotion on my skin then i get in MY car (yes i can drive) i drive to Starbucks it’s my new thing now, then to chick fil-a for lunch so i can eat good food i go to volleyball practice after school so i bring my equipment so i can go from school to vb practice and i get food on the way
Bracelet King
6 months, 1 week ago by maxbraclet
I meant i put hair gel in my hair