Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
im thinking of picking up crochet since my mom thinks im getting a little too addicted to knotting and im just in my room all day knotting… does anyone have any beginner video tutorials (youtube) or suggestions for beginners? thanks!
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Arkengheis
i'm shit at crochet, but i love that you want to replace being in your room all day knotting by being in your room all day crocheting 😂 😂
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@Arkengheis ummmm well my sister did get a crochet kit for her bday and she really wants to learn but since im the “crafty” one in the family that responsibility falls on me 😂
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Threadnerd
Hey I love crochet and I would recommend starting with mini animals
6 months, 3 weeks ago by marleyhas
Or start with scarfs!!!
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@marleyhas i have actually done a scarf but not with a hook it was with one of those frame things with nails sticking out of it (idk what they’re called)
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Threadnerd
@ningc98 I think they are called looms
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@Threadnerd yea! i think that’s it
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by 201217
I would recommend using yarn and thread scraps along with poly fill to stuff your projects. It helps get rid of it and helps you conserve your stuffing
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@201217 yea i did knot the 3-d cube once and i used scraps to stuff that
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by 201217
Okay. I would also recommend getting/using stitch markers and tensions rings. They really help! (if you don’t use them yet)
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@201217 i’ve literally never crocheted with a hook before so ill definitely do that
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by violasrule
There are two good routes you can take to get started:
1) buy an amigurumi kit. This will teach you all the basics which then make it easy to continue from there on more difficult, larger, more complicated projects (I started with a cat crochet kit off of Amazon that I got for Christmas, if you're interested in this then I can link it for you! It had online videos that you could follow that made it much easier to learn the stitches).

2) buy a skein of #4 weight yarn (this is the easiest yarn to start with) and I'd say about a 5mm or 5.5mm hook (may be different depending on what yarn you buy). DO NOT start with any fluffy, chenille, super thin, super thick, etc. yarn. Start with your typical #4 acrylic yarn. (It's also the cheapest lol). Then from there, learn how to make a slip knot, chain, slip stitch, single crochet, and even half double crochet or double crochet if you want, and just practice those stitches until you can consistently do them. Also I would recommend learning how to make a magic ring as well, as this is what is used to start a lot of amigurumi projects, and other things (ex. the shrek bucket hat I'm making right now required a magic ring to start!) After this I'd find something to crochet that you can make using only the one color of yarn you have (I mean unless you choose to buy more or already have more lol) and apply all the stitches you've learned (again I would recommend a no-sew amigurumi plushie, there are lots of videos online that have lists of no-sew amigurumis and lists as well, and if you need one that would be fairly simple, again, just let me know and I can link something)

1) it's going to be really really hard at first. I literally spent half of last Christmas when I got my amigurumi kit crying trying to figure out how to do it, but in the end I was so happy when I finally figured out how. You just have to keep going even though you might not get it right away.
1a) also if you're watching a video tutorial, don't think that you can't do it, because you CAN, sometimes the tutorials aren't good and you just need to look around to
find one that's good. There are so many crochet tutorials where they unnecessarily block everything they're doing with their hands, so try to find good tutorials that you
can actually learn from.
2) Always (try to) buy yarn when it's on sale, it's just so expensive now 🙁
3) I'd recommend making a couple things with just normal #4 acrylic yarn before you move onto experimenting with new yarns... after acrylic I would recommend chenille, as it's quite similar to working with acrylic yarn, just bigger (and EVERY TIME when i'm making a magic ring IT WONT CLOSE AAAOUHL JKJEOIFLK EJ RILFK (ok mini rage session there over)) and then after that you can probably work with anything, although some yarns have their specific challenges (i'm looking at you fluffy yarn, I would LOVE to see the stitch that I'm crocheting into on my chicken... but alas. It was not meant to be 😭) but that's something to kinda worry about a bit later down the road...
4) oh also bigger yarns need bigger hook sizes, you can make your creations bigger using the same pattern by using a larger hook or larger yarn or both
5) enjoy it, embrace the crochet addiction, yes your room is going to have projects and yarn and everything scattered all over it for like forever... and ever. once you fall down the rabbit hole of crocheting, you literally can't escape it
(not that i've tried)

anyways I hope this helps haha, if you have any questions let me know! (lowkey im becoming the queen of writing overly lengthy explanations and paragraphs in the forums. I NEED TO BE STOPPED.) but yeah have fun on your crochet journey!!!
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by violasrule
and then of course follow all the advice everyone else gave above bc i agree with all of it
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
@violasrule whoa that’s a lot of info. it’s all so helpful tho tyyyy
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
haha ofc! Hopefully you can put some it to use lol
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
@violasrule i will! and if its not too much trouble could you send the links? i wanna check them out
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
here's the link to the brand of crochet kit I got for Christmas and started with, I couldn't find the exact one I got (idk if they sell it anymore) but there are lots of options. This is a super cute strawberry cow one

dang ok that link is huge
as for good (relatively) no-sew patterns to start with either after you finish your crochet kit or if you don't do a crochet kit there are some really good patterns online. Here are some that I started with: (I love all of this creator's patterns, they have a lot of awesome simple and quick patterns that I learned to do a lot of techniques from, like the star pattern, the heart, etc)
(while looking on their site i definitely didn't run across their new free strawberry pattern and I have been waiting for forever to find something to use my light pink chenille yarn for... so that made me very happy 🙂)

There's also a chonky mushroom pattern that's super popular that I also made pretty early on. This is also a simple no-sew pattern, and you learn how to make bobble stitches for the little arms and feet. I don't have a link as somehow before I got this pattern off of instagram, but I don't have an instagram account... i tried to find it again on their page and I couldn't without it asking me to log in :/ but I do have a screenshot of it in a google doc for reference so if you need that (and dont have an insta) then I can always type it out for you.

I also recommend octopi as something to start with, they're super cute, work up super quick, and are overall just great. I love adding keychains to them and giving them to people so they have just a little something to put on a backpack or a bag, and I actually used the same d-rings I use for knotted keychains haha. Makes me happy cause I literally bought enough D rings for a lifetime 🙂 but there are lots of video tutorials on this, and patterns that are all just so cute, but I especially recommend this one here:

These videos also have a ton of no-sew amigurumi patterns that are free:

If you want information on anything else just let me know!! I can talk about crochet all the time haha. I was actually having not a great day but then I saw your message and then I was just so happy I got to go on and on about crochet and also help someone else (literally two of my favorite things) and bonus I get a big strawberry pattern that I'm going to go make now. I don't think it can get much better than that haha ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by ningc98
@violasrule thank you so much! my birthdays in a month so ill just ask for it then lol
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
awesome!! can't wait to hear about what you crochet 🙂