Entering one bracelet in multiple challenge
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Arkengheis
Hello 😊 I was wondering what people thought of entering one single bracelet in multiple challenges. Instinctively, when I got in the website, I wouldn't have done it, then I noticed people who'd enter all the relevant challenges with the same bracelet. What do you think of it, both as a contestant and as a host ? I feel like in a way, why not ? But also sort of feels iffy ? Like cheating, even though it isn't really 😅 |
6 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
I think, if you plan to do this, you should ask the host first. Not every host is alright with it, so there is no general answer.For official challenges, you can always enter the bracelet in other challenges as well, if the hosts of the other challenges are alright with it. |
Bracelet King
6 months, 3 weeks ago by Arkengheis
@halokiwi doesn't feel great to me, so I decided against it in general 🙂 I have so many to-dos anyway, I might as well make different bracelets for different challenges haha
6 months, 3 weeks ago by halokiwi
Absolutely understandable 🙂 I also wouldn't do it, but I don't do challenges often in general.
Bracelet King
6 months ago by lynx123
I do it, and I always ask the host first, but I think I have a good excuse because I join a lot of 100 bracelet challenges, and if I didn't post for two challenges at one i would have to stop doing any other challenges for a couple months at a time. I was wondering how y'all feel about that?
Bracelet King
6 months ago by Arkengheis
@lynx123 oh yeah for those sort of challenges it totally makes sense, it's more like there's a hobby challenge and a sports challenge and an olympics challenge and you enter the same volleyball bracelet or something that i had in mind ^^
Bracelet King
6 months ago by lynx123
@Arkengheis ahhh ok that makes sense