Temperature Bracelet for School 😭 Idea
Bracelet King
7 months ago by BabyWren12
Have you seen those temperature blankets/scarfs where they start it at the beginning of the year and have different colors for different temperatures and they do like a row a day? What if you did that with a bracelet!? Well i’ve kinda gotten my mind stuck on that idea but it’s quite far from the first day of the year, but it’s only TEN DAYS til my first day of school 😭 (ik i start early but atleast i get out in may 😎), i just counted roughly how many rows i do per bracket that it’s my wrist and i got 35 and then when i recounted 37, as it turns out there are 36 weeks in a school year so i could do one row a week! (obviously u might have to adjust this for your amount of rows and what not) but weathers kinda boring so instead i thought what if its a mood checker? happy, excited, mad, sad, nervous, sick, or wtvr else you want. idk i think i might do this and as a lot of bracelet makers appear to be in school still like me i thought why not share? but im also not sure if i should do it as candy stripe, rag rug, or chevron…,.. what do u guys think? also should i make this a challenge?
Bracelet King
7 months ago by emilyyy307
So I tried this and I haven’t done it since February. I decided to one row per day based on the high temperature. I did it like an alpha because I don’t think it would work the best to do a normal because normally you add strings at the beginning. I think the mood thing is very clever. Personally I found it hard to remember to do it everyday because I was so busy but if you did it once a week I think it’s a great idea
7 months ago by str6yk1ds
Love this! Will probably do it for weather though, starting on the first day of school, I start on September 1st.
7 months ago by PurpleRed
I love this idea, kinda wanna try it now! (:
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Arkengheis
I've always liked the idea of temperature blankets, but I don't knit much so I like this idea ! I might do it with the weather but 365 days is too much for a bracelet, and 52 is not precise enough I feel like... I'll think on it and be back if I have an idea ^^
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Cow28
This is a great idea! I’ve always thought it’d be cool to do a-knot-a-day personal challenge which is pretty self explanatory or something similar.
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by anne7
OMG Def gonna do this but I might do it w like how I feel emotionally. Will bring up w my therapist. Tysm
Bracelet King
6 months, 2 weeks ago by violasrule
this is actually so cool. A mood bracelet would be absolutely amazing. I'm gonna have to try this FOR SURE... especially since school is coming up for me in literally 3 days T_T and I can't knot as much during the thick of the school year, so like one row or a couple knots a day is pretty low commitment and that way I'm still doing something knotting related during the year haha.