Do straight people experience these things?
Bracelet King
7 months ago by escobpen00
I’ve been battling with my orientation for a while, and basically if you’re confident you’re straight can you answer some questions for me?
-are you ever like super attracted to celebrities who are your gender (genders a spectrum but for this example you know what I mean)
- have you ever kissed friends who are same gender
- do you enjoy music/ books/ movies about gay love stories
-do you care about gay rights a lot
- can you imagine being in a happy relationship with the same gender

If you’re straight lmk if these are straight things lmao
And if anyone queer sees this, do those sound like signs you’re queer?
Bracelet King
7 months ago by tkd2010
1. are you ever super attracted to celebrities who are your gender? - no i never have. i do think female celebrities along with everyday normal people are attractive but i am not necessarily attracted TO them. 2. have you ever kissed friends who are the same gender as you? - no i have not. 3. do you enjoy music/books/movies about gay love stories? - totally. i’ll never turn off any sort of entertainment bc it has a gay storyline. but i’ve never specifically searched for gay love stories. 4. do you care about gay rights a lot? - i believe in equality no matter your race, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, economic status, etc. so sure ig? haha. 5. can you imagine being in a happy relationship with the same gender? - only platonically. i can only imagine being in a healthy relationship with the opposite gender.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by tkd2010
i hope these answers help and if you need me to elaborate or have any more just @ me <3
Bracelet King
7 months ago by ningc98
- are you ever like super attracted to celebrities who are your gender (genders a spectrum but for this example you know what I mean)
no. im only attracted to celebrities of the opposite gender. i do think female celebrities are pretty but im never actually attracted to them. same with me to my friends. i do think they’re attractive but im not attracted to them.
- have you ever kissed friends who are same gender
nope. i’ve never had my first kiss.
- do you enjoy music/ books/ movies about gay love stories
yes. i wont not enjoy something just because its gay. however its not really my style so i dont go looking for it. the only gay love story that i really like is heartstopper.
- do you care about gay rights a lot
not a lot, but i do care. people can choose who they want to be with.
- can you imagine being in a happy relationship with the same gender
not really, no. like i said, i think other girls are attractive but im not attracted to them.
Bracelet King
7 months ago by fcb_neymar
-are you ever like super attracted to celebrities who are your gender (genders a spectrum but for this example you know what I mean)
yes but i would say i am more attracted to celebrities of opposite gender
- have you ever kissed friends who are same gender
yes but only for truth or dare, i wasnt attracted to that friend
- do you enjoy music/ books/ movies about gay love stories
yes if they have a good storyline, but i guess i do relate to the typical straight couple stories more
-do you care about gay rights a lot
yes, i support it
- can you imagine being in a happy relationship with the same gender

hope this helps <3
7 months ago by emilyjac
- no but I can appreciate the fact that they are really pretty
7 months ago by emilyjac
2 - yea but it was for things like truth or dare. 3 - I enjoy them the same as straight music. Books/ movies/ but I enjoy consuming straight media bc I can relate more but gay media is still nice to listen/watch. 4 - yea, I can abt everyone’s rights, I think of it like this, if my kid were to be any minority then I’d hope they had the same rights as me and other people. 5 - no bc I’m straight
Bracelet King
7 months ago by escobpen00
Well this has been eye opening
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by escobpen00
Maybe I’m queer
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by 201217
1. Yes. I do sometimes see celebrities and instead of getting jealous just think: they look nice. 2. No I haven’t. If I ever do it’ll probably be for a dare. 3. Sometimes but usually only if it’s a side thing instead of the main part of the story. 4. Yes. I think everyone can love who they want and people should just be happy. 5. Not really just because it would feel uncomfortable for me.
Bracelet King
5 months, 2 weeks ago by KnotsBySav
-i do see other females and think that they're pretty but that doesn't mean I'm attracted to them.
-once and I didn't enjoy it
-personally it doesn't matter to me whether or not the couple in the show/book is gay. it's just any other relationship.
-i think this has to do with your political party more than anything. although my personality just makes me not care about what other people do. what you do doesn't affect me and I'm just gonna be me. if you want to paint your house purple and orange or whatever do it. it doesn't affect me so what do I care? my best friend is gay and I would definitely say it's just who he is and it makes him who he is.
-no. it's just not what I want. my previous relationships with guys made me happy and safe and that's what I want. I picture my future with a husband.

I would really just tell you you don't know until you try it.

If you've never watched grey's anatomy you totally should. I think you would relate to Callie's story really well.