How to get people to see / join your challenges
7 months ago by June_Bug
So this topic might be weird but I just made my first challenge the FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTIST CHALLENGE🎸🎧🎸🎧🎶🎧and it seems like no ones wants to join but I could just be I thought people would see it but if anyone has some tips on how to make more people see it That would be so awesome Sorry if this made no sense |
Bracelet King
7 months ago by Arkengheis
I can't talk for everyone but some factors :There was another music challenge recently It's august, people are on vacation/on bb less It's a very specific theme that not everyone can do I'm not sure about the etiquette yet but some people bump the post when it reaches the 2nd page |
Bracelet King
7 months ago by violasrule
Typically with many challenges that are focused around a specific theme, I find that people don't join them as often. The challenges I host haven't had a specific theme (not one where you have to make a themed bracelet, that is). I do center them around an event (my current summer to-do tidy-up one, or my back-to-school to-do cleanout last year) but in mine no one had to make specifically summer related bracelets or school related bracelets. However, it is a lot of fun to host themed challenges and so if you want to do something more specific like that, one thing that will help is giving a long period of time until the deadline--at least 3 weeks, if not a month--and also semi-regularly bumping it to keep it at the top so you get some clicks on it 🙂Also advertise it in the chat!! Let people know that you're looking for people to join the challenge and give them all the information and everything. Also post a direct link to it on your profile, I see that you have the name of the challenge there which is a good first step, but providing the link just makes it so people don't have to hunt for it. I hope this helps! <3 |
7 months ago by June_Bug
Thank you guys so ooo much this helped so much ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️