private story name?
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
my private story’s name on snap is literally “taylor’s private story” it’s so boring. everyone else has better private story names i need some recs
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by sparklers
uhhh one of mine on snap was no ops allowed no scary people no boys allowed the overflow gang gang sorry these kinda suckkk 😭 😭 |
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
i’ve had snap for almost 2 years and i still don’t know how private stories work 😭 pls explain my friends have like these bday ones but idk how to do it
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
@sparklers no opps allowed is a good oneee
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ningc98 so basically a private story is just like your public story except only selected people can view it. to make one you go to your profile in the top left corner where your bitmoji is. and then under “my stories” click “create a private story” or whatever it says. then you select who you want to view it. i only have my closest friends so that’s where i post things i don’t want everyone to see
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
is there anyway to name stories? like some of my friends have “bdays” or “dump” but everyone sees it so it’s not private exactly (i think) they just name it
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ningc98 if their story has a lock around it then it’s private. if not, it’s public. to name your story go to where you made the story (profile, my stories) then click the three dots by where it says “add to x’s private story” and click “rename story”
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by ningc98
ohhhhhh tysm that helped a lot!
Bracelet King
7 months, 3 weeks ago by tkd2010
@ningc98 ofcc!
Bracelet King
7 months, 1 week ago by KK120308
so mine is A Daily Dose of Kendall but it’s been Girlies+ Don, Chaos contained, spider mofo, and if ur in this i like u