School trouble... any advice? (Rant)
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Rainbow608
So most people who see this will be confused about why I have school at this time but where I'm from, most schools have already been open for a while now..
Coming to the point, recently school reopens for us after a break and the whole class is mostly filled up with students now which means I cannot sit alone.. now this would be completely fine if I had my friends who have been with me for the past 7 years. I haven't made new friends for the past 7 years so it's not surprising how I got into this mess.. So at my school we're supposed to speak in English only but most people go for the native language and I am a person who likes to keep those two separate, I speak English at school and my native language at home (no in between). Because of this trying to find someone like me to befriend is hard. But one day I did find someone let's say her name is T. So T is very similar to me and we both started talking the first day she came to school. Two more people S and L also started talking to us and now we sit in the class on one side.
{If you're wondering why I don't have my old friends it's because we are actually seperated based on the type of major we want to do in the future I guess, and I took the science subject, whereas my friends are all in an entirely different stream. I still meet them during breaks but it's still not the same..}
The subject that I chose is a pretty demanding one, which means that I have tests every Saturday and every Monday which last for 3 hours each. We had our first set of tests on Saturday (22nd June) and on Monday (24th June) and we got our results the next day (today). I don't mean to brag when I say this but I'm usually someone who does well in tests even without putting much effort. This time was technically no different but I was sick and a few more things made my score go way below my expectations. Talking about the other factors... it's T,S and L.. yeah they are a good group of friends sure but they are not nearly as focused on studies as I aim to be.. they are always talking and even though I tell T she doesn't really stop.. this is a really bad thing when I'm trying to utilise my study hours at school. If I want to change my place and go somewhere else I can't, because all seats have already been occupied and if I tell them to change places or stop talking with me I would have no one to take notes from when I take leaves..
And recently there came a new girl to our class who also seems to be a cool person and I think I would rather sit with her in class then the existing group..
Now what I want to do is somehow convey to them all that I have to focus on studying and not talk so much in class. Best case scenario is that I get to sit with new girl. Any ideas?

Also feel free to share your own school experiences if you'd like, I don't wanna make this too much about myself..(I think it already is though)
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by emilyyy307
I think if you feel they are not helping you to be a better person or student they probably aren’t the right people to be around. I’m not really sure because I know it’s hard to leave a friend group but I think it could go either way. You can try to talk to T,L,s about maybe taking a break for a little bit to focus on academics
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Rainbow608
@emilyyy307 I'm surprised you responded, I thought no one would end up reading the whole thing or reply so thanks. And yeah I'm going to attempt that, though they are nice people overall I don't think it's worth it to leave my studies over them..
Bracelet King
8 months, 1 week ago by Zaan_13
i agree with emilyy, if they're cutting into your study time and it's impacting your grades you may have to distance yourself from them. it is good timing that there's a new girl because you can claim you'd like to get to know her better and that way you can stay apart from them for a bit? you could also try to be firm about your studying time but if they're known to just waste time and not listen they might get offended by that. Good luck though 🙂