umm what??
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by leviOsa_09
ok this is kinda random, but today i was taking the final for my math class. it’s the state test actually, not the final but same difference…

so anyway, the teacher told us we could start, so i started to solve the first question. i solve it, and look at the answers, and click the correct one. just to make sure, i type it into the graphing calculator, to make sure. i type in the problem that we needed to simplify, and all the options to choose from, but NONE of the answers options line up with the graph of the problem!!! how am i supposed to solve it if the calculator tells me all the answers are wrong??

so anyway, i answer it, bookmark it to come back later, and continue on. i got through maybe two, three more questions, and the next problem has me type into the graphing calculator, Desmos.

how Desmos works, you type in a expression or equation, and it will graph and/or solve it for you.

anyway, i type it in, and…. nothing. nothing is graphed, and nothing is solved. i try a different problem, and still nothing. i try x=1, to see if a simple line will come up, and… still nothing. i raise my hand to ask one of the teachers.

(for the state tests. the teachers cannot answer any questions at all about the test.)

one of the teachers comes over, and i show her my screen, and how the equations aren’t graphing or solving. she tells me one second and goes to grab the booklet for teachers giving the test that they have to read out from. she comes back, and flips through it, and finally tells me, “sorry, i can’t help you with that.”

like what??? my calculator isn’t working!!!! how the heck am i supposed to answer half the questions???

i try to keep answering the questions, skipping what i can’t answer, and try to get through the test solving everything by hand

i watch the other kids, and some of them are finding the same thing as the test goes on. one kid next to me raised his hand and a teacher came over and he pointed out the same problem i had (this was like an hour later, an it still wasn’t working..) the teacher simply told him, “sorry, I can’t answer that.”

after about 2 hours, i’m going through the questions and have skipped about 15 of the 55 so far, and i check desmos (again) and for some reason, it works!!

i finish the rest of the questions and go through them once again just to make sure, and submit. i have to wait 2 weeks to find out how i did… i only need to pass to get out of the final!! fingers crossed!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

thanks for reading my long unnecessary rant…

have anything to rant about?? i’ll listen after you did to mine!
10 months ago by _vuroee
aaa i really hope you pass!! I had the same with my calculator (when i still had math so abt 2 years ago) and it didn't work the whole test. And i suck at math so i was stressing out. Luckily one of my classmates noticed and gave me his calculator. But i didnt pass bc i just suck at math 😭 😭