Things Someone Said That You’ll Always Remember (Good or Bad) page 2
10 months, 2 weeks ago by blackcat79
@KrazyKnotz I am so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine having to go through that. You are so strong and I hope your sister rests in peace ❤️
Bracelet King
10 months, 2 weeks ago by Hylia224
This one girl messaged me randomly after liking ~4~ of my guitar playing videos and she was like OMG I LOVE YOUR PLAYING AND YOUR T-SHIRTS and that will stick with me always, the fact that we don't even know each other and she just decided to send me a message telling me how much she likes my videos. And I'm sorry if it seems like I'm bragging BUT DUDE ITS SUCH A BIG DEAL TO ME ♡♡♡♡
10 months, 2 weeks ago by SarahWithH
That’s awesome!!
10 months, 2 weeks ago by multiestar
(Bad) I remember the names of every single persons that have neither gave criticism to me for no reason or has called me annoying and what they said to me
(I struggle to even remember good things that people told me!)
10 months, 1 week ago by fluffdoggy
“Oh, [my name] it is my pleasure to have you come and stay with me.
I love spending time with you and discovering how you are changing
as you grow older!!” - the last email my grandma sent me 2 days before she had a heart attack and passed away. ❤️
10 months, 1 week ago by rics_girl3
I will never forget what my best friend said to me the day we became close. I'll shorten the story but basically, we were at a retreat and I had just come out of a very bad "losing a 7-year friend" and the girl I lost seems to hate me to this day, idk why I did nothing. I had never really talked to him before, but that night at the retreat I was praying for someone in my life for a miracle. And not even 5 minutes later, when everyone around me was hugging everyone and I was alone, he came. At first, I didn't know who it was but he just kept saying, "I'll always be there for you, You can tell me anything, I'll always protect you, You're loved" He pulled away and I saw it was him, and he smiled and walked away. To this day we are the closest friends. ly Sam <3
10 months, 1 week ago by Aicha-R
“Ur not right in the head” - my mum after showing her a video of me pretending im a ballerina at the back of the bus and falling onto my friend 😭😭
Bracelet King
10 months, 1 week ago by behappy8
(good) *my best friend w/ his arms around me as I'm crying* "hey, hey, its ok sweetheart ill always be here to love you and be proud of you"
(bad) *toxic ex bf* "ugh you look so bad in that dress, you really need to lose some weight, oh and that dress is so ugly like who do you even think you are" (it was my favorite dress... i was like a 2x and now I'm a medium because of it... i miss that dress
9 months, 2 weeks ago by SarahWithH
I have another one bad this time. Basically my principal isn’t letting me back and school and she had a meeting with my mom to figure it out and discuss it and she told me I manipulate and bully my classmates. It was almost two months ago but it’ll still make me cry
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
I will make those cupcakes next time I bake in honor of you sister @KrazyKnotz
I wish I could’ve met her she seems so sweet 🥹
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
At my dance place I lost my best friend (we will call her L)
To something at my dance place called federation. She used to talk to me all the time and if someone tried to interrupt our conversation she would look at them and say
“Hey I’m talking to my friend right now maybe later, ok?” She was so sweet
But she decided to join federation after a year of being friends. After she joined she ditched me along with all of her other friends and became friends with all of the other girls on that team. She barely talks to me now. If I see her I try to give her hugs showing how much I miss her and still love her, even though now she treats me like a child.
A year after L joining federation she was still in my dance class, and she was talking to all the other fed girls. I went up to her, tapped her shoulder, and waited for her to turn around. Once she did I told her that I felt excluded and I wanted her to talk to me a little more because I felt left behind and ditched. Then she laughed, grabbed my shoulder, and acted like I was joking. I really hope L gets a little glow up on the inside to be a better version of her and Ik she’s a really good person deep down inside. And I really hope we can be friends again someday.
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
@behappy8 don’t listen to him! He’s so mean and you’re way out of his league! You’re better off without him! WEAR WHAT YOU WANT! IF YOU FEEL BEAUTIFUL IN IT THEN YOU ARE!
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by EdenB
@leviOsa_09 here
Bracelet King
9 months, 1 week ago by Raynebow8
Ok I'm like the skinniest person you will ever meet (without be literal skin and bones) and my 4 year old cousin came over and I was 9 so I was a bit older. We were playing tag and he was "it" so he was chasing me and he asked how old I was so I said 9 and he said "So thats why your so fat" I will never take this into offence he was 4 so he didnt mean it and I'm NOT fat. If any of you have had a similar experience remember you are perfect the way you are.❤️
Bracelet King
9 months ago by banankage
I autistic and most ppl either don’t get me or doesn’t want to get me. Almost broke into tears when my friend told me that she understands why things are difficult and that she’d be there for me🥹
9 months ago by SarahWithH
That’s amazing I want a friend like that
8 months, 3 weeks ago by SarahWithH
One day I had a really really hard day and my friends were all there for me but the next day no one really like cared or mentioned until this one girl who I probably spoke to once went up to me out her arm around and said hey how are you feeling I don’t think I’ll ever forget that because this random girl in my class seemed like she cared more than my close friends
8 months, 3 weeks ago by rya_10
"hey rya, you know that day you were gone?"
"Well, Emma (I don't care about name dropping) told everyone to stop being friends with you. I stood up for you tho. She said that you were bad, and you would convince the others to do something bad. Most people said sure"

That's when I realized how toxic my friends were. after that, a lot more happened. My best friend (at the time) was lying about being from another country, which she made her whole personality. She said my Swiss roll (Like cake thing, idk if this is a midwest thing, or if it's eveywhere) looked like poison. She said if I kept on eating id be fat and have diabetes. when my friend was being LITERALLY FAT SHAMED and crying in the bathroom, she laughed. me and my friend group were at a sleepover, and I randomly woke up at night. Me and my friend were the only ones not woken up, and hovered over an embarrasing photo of me and making fun of me. While they were eating breakfast I stole one of their phones and read their messages. I would say what they were, but I am not allowed to, that's how bad they were.
8 months, 3 weeks ago by str6yk1ds
@rya_10 that is really rude of them, they’re just straight up bullies! We'll all grow up one day, and you’ll find new friend who truly care about you, and love you for who you are. Don’t let the middle school bullies get to you! All they’re doing is projecting their own insecurities and jealousy onto you. You’re doing great 🫶🫶🫶
Bracelet King
8 months, 2 weeks ago by tkd2010
“i’m not supposed to tell you this, so don’t tell anyone - he likes you a lot. he’s just not looking for a relationship right now.”