If there was a new moderator, who would it be?
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Cow29
If there was a new moderator, who would it be?

Honestly I can't believe that Sodapop isn't a moderator

Don't tag them so they don't get bothered with someone else's conversation
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by RyanMarieS
I honestly think AlmaLlama would be an amazing moderator because they have been on BraceletBook for less than 2 years and already has OVER 150+ photos!!! That's amazing and shows how much they are dedicated to bracelet making and they BB community as a whole. They are also sooo active on the site and in so many challenges!! When I first joined BraceletBook, they were on of the people I would always look up to and I bet other people did too!
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Cow29
Yes that's very true @RyanMarieS. I think Sodapop because they are very active, having participated in more official challenges with rewards than everyone except KrazyKnotz, and, they have tons and tons and TOOOOOOOOOONs of patterns, (4509 actually) and 1874 variations! They might not be as active, but that is not necessarily needed to be a moderator, considering people like pattncraft or odanak1811 aren't as active and are moderators.
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Hylia224
🤔 I saw in an old forum post that sodapop WAS a moderator at one point but apparently gave it up/resigned and the post was asking why they decided to stop being a mod. I think it was just because life got in the way and they couldn't be active enough to be a mod
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Cow29
@Hylia224 Oh wow actually that makes sense.
Bracelet King
10 months, 4 weeks ago by Cow29
I can't believe I basically guessed it