Calling all past Mary Poppins Cast!
Bracelet King
11 months ago by dritten527
Hi, I’ve gotten the role of Jane Banks in Mary Poppins and am wondering if anyone who has been in this production has any tips or advice. I especially need help with 1. The accent (I grew up in America, my British accent sucks) 2. Apparently in scene 3 during practically perfect I look too bored, help Thanks! |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Cow28
I’ll try to help! I was in Mary Poppins last year and some people used accents and some didn’t. If you don’t like your accent, you don’t have to use it unless your director really wants you to. If you still want to use an accent just be confident and the bad accent shouldn’t be as noticeable.For looking bored on stage, try to be really exaggerated and excited or whatever emotion you need to be since it is always better to be exaggerated. I hope that helps! |
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Cow29
I was Michael Banks last year (close my mouth Michael i am not a codfish) and I say don't worry about the accent! My accent was probably really bad and I would've been very embarrassed in the moment if i had realized that my dad's British friend was there-- didn't even know for like a month afterwards. And, if you don't think about it in the moment, just try to imitate Michael or Mary or something (if you think they have it down) in Practically perfect!
11 months ago by PurpleRed
Ok I was never in any plays but after listening to tons of British podcast and YouTube videos iv gotten really good at it, maybe try watching/listening to lots of British accents and just try like copying how they talk? Dunno if that would help lol
Bracelet King
11 months ago by dritten527
Ok thanks a lot @Cow29 and @PurpleRed for the advice! I’ll be sure to try those out!