Alpha pattern definition
Bracelet King
4 years, 11 months ago by braceletmk
So I have a friendship bracelet booth for an event and I want a sign that has the definition of a normal + alpha pattern but I can't really find a definition for alpha patternsdoes anyone have a simple/understandable alpha pattern definition? |
4 years, 11 months ago by halokiwi
Alpha bracelets are created row by row. Compared to normal bracelets their structure is different which allows you to create pixelart like artwork with them.In a normal bracelet the positions of the knots is different when you compare two rows that are next to each other. In an alpha bracelet the positions of the knots are the same each row. Alpha bracelets are created by knotting a leading string onto base strings. The leading string determines the colour the knots will have. You can switch between different leading strings to make your knots in a different colour. Just pick something from there. How did you define a normal pattern? Maybe you can just rewrite that. |
4 years, 11 months ago by kmonkey
I always describe alpha patterns to other people as knotted pixel art in the form of a bracelet