creepy home alone experiences?
Bracelet King
12 months ago by puggyz
Has anything creepy ever happened to you while home alone?For me it happened recently when I was home alone playing video games and hear noise coming from the laundry room. It turns out our washing machine turned itself on for some reason. I turned it off and didn’t think about it until an hour later music started playing on my mom’s radio in her room out of nowhere. I went to my friends place and stayed there until my parents got home. |
11 months, 4 weeks ago by PurpleRed
@puggyz That’s so creepy!! For me this was about a month ago, I was home alone at night and I heard a knock on the door.I was in the kitchen so I kinda just ducked out of sight from the windows cause I didn’t want to answer it, but from where I was sitting I could see the TV in the living room, which was off. I watched the thing turn on by itself. The knocking didn’t come again but I was too freaked out to move. Eventually my family got back and I told them about it and nothing has happened since, but man that scared me lol
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Pearflower
@puggyz this isn't a home alone experience, but still kinda creepy. when still lived in my old house (I was pretty much a toddler) I could sometimes hear music coming from upstairs like a harp. but when i tried to come there or strain to listen, it stopped. It was very faint and quiet and lasted for a pretty short time. Also, sometimes at night I could hear my name being called but when I answered there was no reply. maybe i was just a weird child idk |
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by puggyz
@Pearflower weirdddd. at my old house I was convinced someone was living in the attic above me. What made this situation worse is when my dad went up there to fix our air conditioner stuff was out of place from when he was last up there.
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Pearflower
@puggyz woah thats weird :0
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by unique_ly
So, uhmmm, nothing in particular so I guess it’s just the vibes I get 🥶
11 months, 1 week ago by Zofie
slyšela jsem před čtyřmi dny kroky v patře ale asi to byli sousedi LOL
11 months, 1 week ago by vee_knots
Heard some little girl laughing even though me and the middle sibling were the only ones in out home
11 months, 1 week ago by vee_knots
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by willow_
i was at home alone at night and i went in my room and turned on the light and it would not stop flickering so i turned it off than i want into the bathroom and that light wouldn't stop flickering than i went in he kitchen and i was listening to music on my phone and the volume randomly stared to turn up and down |
11 months, 1 week ago by elocraft
I remember once when I was younger I was home alone cause I was likely super sick and these teenagers ended up prank calling our house being really creepy saying Stuff like” I can see you through the window “.
Bracelet King
11 months ago by behappy8
i wasnt home alone but i was the only one awake - so where i live theres this like vacation check thing to like protect your house, i didn't know we'd signed up for it for this trip and a flashlight was shined into my window at 2am(i have a pride flag up so they couldnt see in but like holy heck it was scary)
Bracelet King
11 months ago by Cow29
I woke up this morning to my light--q which I didn't turn on mind you-- flickering like crazy! It was not great! I am so tired