the chronicles of my love life
12 months ago by KyLeNuGgEt
I used to love her. I don’t know if I still do, or where to even start with all this, but I guess the beginning is as good a place as any.I had been homeschooled for my whole life, but it was my first year of public school. I joined the marching band, in percussion. There was a girl in percussion, who we’ll call Raven. I’m changing all the names for privacy. Raven had another friend outside of band who I’ll call Nova. Nova and I instantly clicked and she showed me around the school and made me feel safe. One day, Nova invited me to go to a carnival with her, Raven, and some other friends. I was excited and I felt like I belonged for once. It was one of the best nights of my life. One of Raven and Nova’s friends, I already knew a little from marching band. Grace. Her. She had long brown hair with curtain bangs and big hips and she was amazing at makeup. She was always so happy and fun and everything else. She played the flute. After that night, I made an effort to get closer with Grace. I really liked her. At the next band competition, I sat with her on the bus home. I ended up falling asleep in her lap. It was romantic, but she didn’t care. I know now that we both loved each other. For 3 months it continued like this. Almost love, but not quite. She would get boyfriends and girlfriends on and off again, but stayed closer to me. We held hands, cuddled in my bed, and practically went on dates. She was my life, but I guess I wasn’t hers. Then, things started to go downhill when her cat died. That cat was one of the only things she had to care about. She spiraled into depression that became anger. Anger at me, and at Raven and Nova. She started to make fun of me to make herself feel better. Then, she met Raven’s brother, Noah. I still can’t see what Noah has that I don’t, but I guess there’s something. She was telling me how much she loved him and how she was planning to ask him out and everything else and I just knew that this wasn’t going to be another 2-week partner. The next day I confessed to her. Her response? “Yes, I love you back. But I love Noah more. You’d be my second choice”. It hurt more than just a no. We went back to something less than before. She started dating Noah, and they’re still together. She kept getting more and more toxic, putting me down for anything she could and constantly crossing my boundaries. She would do things like grabbing my boobs without consent. She would also be extremely loud even though she knew I had extreme noise sensitivity. I started talking to Nova about it. She said that Grace had always been like this, and she used to be the same way to her before she stopped putting up with it. So I did exactly that. I stopped putting up with it. I told Grace last night that I don’t want to be friends with her anymore. She’s constantly overstepped my boundaries, and I’m done with it. But I don’t know where to go now. Grace was my only friend in my grade, and I guess some sort of messed up first love. She was a safe person. Someone that understood my anxiety and someone I could feel like would protect me. Part of me hopes she leaves Noah, improves, and comes back to me. But part of me wishes she would leave my life forever. |
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by KK120308
this is wild
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by Zkknots
wild!!! mines way worse though, . So basically since kindergarden there were these three brothers their friend who were like a full on gang. In kindergarden we were rlly good friends. Then garde two happened and another boy comes into play. we'll call him F. So he liked me and i started getting shipped w him ALOT. and then fast forward to third grade. There was a guy who liked me and his best friend also likes me, we'll call them H and S. I started gteting shipped w them but even though all of them likes me even their friends did they would still bully me ALOTNow fast forward to 5th grade and im baiscally enemies w all of them and i hate them with all my heart. H still likes me there are a few other guys who like me but i hate all of them and contsantly get shipped Then in 6th grade, for liek two months me , my two friends and three guys became rlly close for some reason. H, M and D. i still kept getting shipped w H. Now in 7th grade. There is a new guy. SA, J and another M. So basically they. are like rlly dirty guys and they were talking abt some rlly rlly inapropriate disgusting things abt me even tho im literally in 7th grade. At this point im still always getting shipped w h, sometimes J and SA but crazy wild though |