What are some minor mistakes you've made that you find really embarrassing? 🤔 page 2
1 year ago by Jess_Mess
@fishyknots I do that soooo much......really embarrasing especially when they notice you did it....or if someone asks if you want something and you say no thanks or yeah but they were actually talking to someone else 😐 |
Bracelet King
12 months ago by tkd2010
the dude i like was running hurdles at the track meet last week and ofc i was screaming for him and one of my friends (she knows i like him) and another girl came up and we’re doing mini interviews for their tiktok and she asked me a few questions abt my events and then said “is that your man?” pointing to him and i said yes 😭 and they got it on videooooo omg. but i convinced them not to post my interview 😭
Bracelet King
12 months ago by SirSquirrl
@tkd2010 Oh my gosh, that sounds so embarrassing! It's great they didn't post that part of the interview
Bracelet King
12 months ago by tkd2010
@SirSquirrl it wasss 😭 they had a mini mic thingy (do yk what i mean) so they got me saying it and him in the background haha. my two bsfs looked at me and their jaws dropped bc they thought i was gonna get exposedddd
Bracelet King
12 months ago by tkd2010
i texted her and made sureeee they didn’t post it bc i would have to move schools /j 😭
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by Wolf-lover
I was about to cross at street but a car was there and they waved at me to cross but I thought it was somebody I knew so I waved back and didn't cross 😭 but then I realized it was a stranger lol
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by AlmaLlama
When someone calls a person in public with the same name as me and I automatically turn back and respond 😑
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
Ok so I was walking down the hallway at my school and had to walk past a rambunctious group of boys to get to my class. One of the boys shoved the other who fell onto me and SHOVED ME INTO THE MENS BATHROOM💀💀💀 i just ran out and avoided eye contact with everyone for the next three hours 😭
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
^for clarity the bathrooms at my school don’t have doors cause people vaped in them too much, that’s why I didn’t slam into a door or anything lol. (Ofc the stall have doors just not the threshold between the bathroom and hallway iykwim)
Bracelet King
11 months, 3 weeks ago by puggyz
Accidentally posting a comment on this app like we need a better confirm button lmaoooo 💀
11 months, 3 weeks ago by PurpleRed
11 months, 1 week ago by vee_knots
I have a tablet and all my friends keep asking if i have a phone and i just say: um... I have a tablet.......
11 months, 1 week ago by elocraft
I made chocolate lettering for my birthday cake once and I spelled my own name wrong
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by SirSquirrl
@elocraft That must've been really annoying...Did anyone notice, and were you just like one letter off or completely botched your own name?
11 months, 1 week ago by multiestar
Entering the wrong class by accident at school and realizing 2 minutes laterSo on the 25th this month. I was done with a Spanish test and I wasn't paying attention when going back to class so instead of going in the right class I went in the one before and I was confused why the teacher wasn't the same until I realized 2 minutes later and ran out and went back to the right class I'm still embarrassed 3 days later |
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by SirSquirrl
@multiestar Oh my gosh that sounds so embarrassing, did the teacher notice when you came in???
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by fishyknots
i was walking to my next class and halfway in the hallway i realized i was going to the wrong place so i just abruptly turned around and everyone behind me fell over (not really)
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by ningc98
in orchestra we sightread a piece and i thought i was playing it right but i was playing it wrong (and loud!) so then the teacher stopped and was like “are you with us” and everyone turned and looked at me and i was so embarrassed
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by unique_ly
I was Somewhere™, taking something from a shelf and I noticed someone behind me, and I thought it was my friend, and I chatted to them while I grab my stuff, then when I turned around, I saw a stranger instead 😳 😭 🙈
Bracelet King
11 months, 1 week ago by eglaf
I had just met somebody new and she reached out her hand a bit so I thought she wanted to shake hands, apparently not because when i grabbed her hand she just shook my hand off and walked away