What are some minor mistakes you've made that you find really embarrassing? 🤔
Bracelet King
1 year ago by SirSquirrl
I've been writing one of my favorite girl group's name wrong this whole time...🥲
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Hylia224
K so this is literally one of the like 3 times I've ever been embarrassed
So for my 11th year dancing I got a trophy (everyone who's been dancing 10+ years or is on the comp team gets a trophy at the recital. It's a whole thing and everybody lines up in a nice outfit and stands there while the lady hands trophies to people coming through the curtain)
And the lady handing the trophies out doesn't know every student's name and face amd she's just grabbing the closest one.
And I obviously got someone else's trophy but I knew her and attempted to hand it to her while we were still on stage in front of everyone. And her friend came up and whisper-yelled that we can do it behind the curtain. I was so embarrassed but it literally wasn't even a big deal 🙈
Bracelet King
1 year ago by SirSquirrl
@Hylia224 It's always those little things that haunt you for the rest of your life
Bracelet King
1 year ago by tkd2010
the guy i used to like came to my basketball practice one day and i was shooting free throws and he would pass me the ball back so it would go faster. well i had to wear my glasses that day bc i lost my contacts 😭 and someone called my name so i turned and he passed the ball to me and it hit me in the face and my glasses fell off 😭 he was rlly sweet abt it and apologized but i still wanna die every time i think abt it bc i had a hugee crush on him
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Hylia224
I KNOW it's so stupid
Bracelet King
1 year ago by unique_ly
Well, basically I can feel embarrassed about every thing I do 😂

But there was this one time that I wrote a note in my room with something secret written on it, but ofc I left it lying around bc I'm a disorganized person in general, so someone found it and GAH I wish time machines exist 🙈
Bracelet King
1 year ago by SirSquirrl
When you message the wrong person a message that was meant for someone else 😭 😭 😭

(I was talking about school with one of my friends when I accidentally messaged someone else because I had another messaging tab open...)
1 year ago by SheepDog12
🔥 my bestie
❤️my friend
🙈this weird guy
🤯this other weird guy

so 🔥 and I were hanging out and we wanted to prank text people so we were gonna prank text 🙈 so i opened my phone and tapped on his contact info (i have his number because ❤️ is friends with him. so i texted him this- "hey its 🤯 i wanna be more than friends" AND I ACCIDENTALLY SENT THAT TO MY MOM
Bracelet King
1 year ago by ichika
Yesterday at work i made a mess while pouring sweet tea right in front of an assistant manager, then i couldn't find what he needed to clean it up (we didn't have any apparently), and the line at the register was getting backed up so i had to leave the mess for him to clean up, all while we were really busy...
1 year ago by Tikilishi
Typing the wrong pattern as a comment by switching the numbers in my mind accidentally 🙃

Tagging someone with their username spelled wrong

Typing the wrong pattern for an Official Challenge 🤦‍♀️ (okay, maybe not such a little mistake, but I've done this at least thrice 🙃)
1 year ago by celleta
the other week i say hi to my teacher instead of bye, it was a long night
Bracelet King
1 year ago by emilyyy307
Ok I was literally like 5
Bracelet King
1 year ago by emilyyy307
Whooops I pressed enter. But anyways I accidentally went of to this random lady I thought was my mother and asked for a gumball
1 year ago by ellybelly
When i was younger i was in the airport and i was in the bathroom looking for a stall and i pushed on one and there was a little old lady on the toilet and she slammed the stall door but i felt so embarrassed
Bracelet King
1 year ago by unique_ly
@ellybelly You just reminded me of this 🤣 The other day I was in a clothes shop and I was just hanging around the changing rooms. Those rooms have curtains instead of doors, so I pushed the curtains of one of the rooms aside just to take a look at what it was like. But I immediately drew the curtains back again.

Because it was definitely NOT empty.

I got out of the store quickly ‘cause I definitely didn’t want the lady to see who had invaded her privacy. (Fortunately though I saw nothing really embarrassing.)
1 year ago by hello_i_am
Ummm soo…. Basically i hugged an old guy on accident.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Kayla517
One time at the end of my class when I was the last to leave and my teacher said “Good job today” and had his hand out so I can pass the text book. I thought he wanted a handshake. Luckily we did end up shaking hands and laugh it off.
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Zaan_13
this lady from work had a ton of balloons in her office and she was sharing cake out for everyone so NATURALLY I'm like 'oh hey happy birthday' and she's like 'it's not my birthday it's a going away party' 😂 I kinda owned it and was like 'oh i had so many well wishes to say' but it still bothered me for some reason haha
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Zaan_13
Oh i remembered another one!
I was visiting this city I used to live in and this girl was asking me for directions in the train station and I gave her a v detailed route to get to her station - only to realise after she left that I was making her go in a circle with my advice 😭 but the trains announce the next stations anyway so i hope she heard it call and realised she could get out earlier! After like 4 years of living there I felt so bad that I was SO rusty with my directions 😂
Bracelet King
1 year ago by fishyknots
Someone was like “hiiii!” So I said hi back but THEY WERE TALKING TO ANOTHER PERSON 💀