unearthing posts
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by fishyknots
hi! with all due respect, i don't think that we should bump 7-11 year old forum posts to the top. (i know that this doesn't happen like every day, but it still happens a lot.) i know that sometimes it can seem funny but this is my reasoning:

1. the original poster is probably not active anymore. they probably don't want a bunch of new notifications, if they even still have access.
2. adding on to that, if the original poster was asking some sort of question/advice and then you answer a decade later, it's probably not useful for them.
3. conversations come and go and some are more popular than others. however, everything has its time/peak and will eventually fade out of remembrance.
4. often, these old threads have like 1-2 posts. by bumping them for the sake of bumping them, you're probably not going to get anywhere in the conversation
5. it kind of clutters the recent forum and can be confusing to people.

i'm not trying to target anyone in particular, i just wanted to share my opinion. these are my thoughts and are solely my opinion : ) what do you think?
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by SirSquirrl
I, WHOLE-HEARTEDLY AGREE! Okay, I also don't mean any offense to anyone (and my response is probably a lot less reasonable than yours), but I also get so annoyed when old posts are dug back up. Even if it’s only a couple months old, I also just feel like it's being disturbed from its resting place where the forum was just a piece of history. Idk if that makes sense, but that's just what I think, and definitely agree. Like you also said, I mean no offense to anyone either, it's just my personal opinion
1 year, 1 month ago by Tikilishi

So I'm not sure if you knew, but technically BraceletBook is currently for people ages 13 and older.
We currently don't have a verification process that requires proof of age, but the way that we know if someone is younger than 13 is if users tell us that they are.

So just wanted to let you know 🙂 incase you didn't!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by fishyknots
@Tikilishi yes, I did know that. I might be misunderstanding what you said but I meant that the forum topics that were being bumped were made 7-11 years ago, not by people that age.
1 year, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
@fishyknots Oh, hahaha, I was the one who misunderstood you!

Forum posts from a number of years ago, not people - I getcha now!
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by fishyknots
@Tikilishi ah okay great!
1 year, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
I agree with you. 🙂
If I remember correctly, I think we've asked people not to do this, if possible. I don't think it's an official rule per se, but you're right that the result of commenting on older posts from 5+ years ago probably isn't beneficial.

I think context matters too. 🙂 Like I personally wouldn't mind people maybe unearthing an older game that had stopped being played, or replying to an older pattern request to let the OP know that a pattern has been made inspired by their request. Beyond that though, it's probably best not to 🙂

In the future, it is likely that there will be a keyword search feature within the forum, so maybe that will change the way people interact with older forum posts, as they'll be more easily searchable. But in the meantime we don't have that, so it's less confusing to make a new topic rather than to search for an older one lol.
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by fishyknots
@Tikilishi thank you for your feedback! I agree that context plays into things : )
1 year, 1 month ago by Tikilishi
@fishyknots of course! 😄 🎊
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by AlmaLlama
Yeah I agree, some people just bump old forum topics for the fun of it, and that's not really ok (my opinion)
Bracelet King
1 year, 1 month ago by emilyyy307
Yes I agree because it’s like also really unnecessary, because the person that is replying to the super old topic always says like hi or thanks and it’s really not useful because if you’re looking for advice I think you could just read it and then leave it alone or maybe that’s just me
Bracelet King
1 year ago by SirSquirrl
Repectively, I just want to reiterate my pet peeve of dug up posts. It always annoys me whenever old forums like a year old are dug up. Multiple forums being dug up are annoying too, because even though there are so many perfectly good forums on the pages, they're getting buried by old dug up ones. And if someone really just wanted to participate in a really old forum, they could just create a new one crediting the old one to avoid unnecessary digging up of old forums. That's just the personal opinion of a not so seasoned bb user, and no harsh disrespect to anyone.
12 months ago by SheepDog12
when i was new i got confused and i thought page one was the oldest to i went to the "newest" (the oldest) and talked there so sorry if thats what ur talking about
Bracelet King
12 months ago by fishyknots
@SheepDog12 oh you’re fine! That’s totally understandable if you’re new : )
Bracelet King
12 months ago by Cow29
Sillyboy is doing this
Bracelet King
12 months ago by Cow29
I don't want to tag him for no reason so I didn't add an @
Bracelet King
12 months ago by EdenB
@Cow29 yes I saw him I’m not calling him our or anything but I saw it an hour ago the post was from like 11 years ago too
Bracelet King
12 months ago by Hylia224
@Cow29 @EdenB yeah. He's too young for the site too. Like i know the age is 13 and if you're like 11 it's not bad. But he's 7, says his bio. And it looks like he's just going back really far and asking unnecessary questions
Bracelet King
12 months ago by EdenB
@Hylia224 yeah, I looked at his bio awhile ago do you think if it continues we should get a mod?
Bracelet King
12 months ago by Hylia224
@EdenB I'm not sure. He isn't really causing any trouble. Him being too young might be a problem though