how do I go about selling my bracelets?
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sennas
I’ve made quite a few bracelets and I’ve gotten quite fast, lots of friends and classmates have requested bracelets and I’ve made them some and have given them away.

Recently family members have been asking why I don’t sell them, and have suggested I start up an instagram page. But I’m not sure how to go about it.
Would I then have to ship it? I don’t know how to.
And I don’t know what price to but them at.
And do I pre-make them then list them or should I take requests? But if I do that there are sooo many different patterns and colours how would they know what options there are?
Any help please
Or should I just keep it as a hobby?
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
So! I plan on putting my creations on Etsy this year.
I've picked specific patterns that I enjoy making and think that others would like too. I do specific collections that customers can pick a bracelet or two or all from like an autumn collection, a Christmas or winter collection, a new years collection and so on. I have lots of options and if you do seasonal specific collections, put them out months in advance for traction and views. Like how a store would put out the Christmas things in September)
As far as shipping, I'm not sure how that would correspond in an Instagram page, nor the money transfer. I believe she's not online at the moment but my friend @KK120308 has an Instagram page and is selling them so I'd ask her the questions related specifically to the page.
I price my creations anywhere from $12 to $18 depending on complexity, strings, colors etc. pricing higher for fancier.
The biggest piece of advice that I can give you as far as price/customer relations is DONT LOWER PRICES FOR CUSTOMERS. There will be people like this (and I've already experienced a couple so soon in my smaller start) but these are the people who will try to get you to lower the price because they don't understand the time and work that goes into a single bracelet and when you dont, they get irritated and claim they can get the same thing in another shop for half the price.
The best thing you can do for those people is stay calm and professional and don't get mad at them because they don't know.
I think that's all I've got! I hope this helped and I wish you the best of luck on your business journey!! 💖💖
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
Answering another question, I'd go with pre-made creations for a while then if you get bigger, more popular, or expand in a way you can decide if you want to do requests or not
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
(DISCLAIMER: I'm coming from a more serious angle like "this is what I want to do as a career" so these are more long-term decisions)
I'm buying packaging from Amazon but Upaknship also has great packaging options.
I'm going with small bubble mailers but little boxes work too.
I'm designing business cards on Vistaprint.
I designed a logo that's cute and simple and I've come up with a simple but pretty name
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sennas
Thank you so much! I will look into Etsy and see what I can do thanks for the help - but a quick question how much would you charge for something very simple like a candy stripe or chevron cuz I was originally thinking about 4 dollars but this and other things people have said is making me think I’m selling myself short. I also am not sure about shipping / delivery charges but I have also never used Etsy so I’ll have a look.
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
I'd say about $8 because, again, you worked hard on it.
I'm glad I was able to help so much!!
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
Etsy also has an option for shipping charges where it automatically calculates how much shipping will cost with product size and where you're shipping to. Etsy is really good at explaining everything and laying it all out. You'll also have to account for like the 49 cent fee that etsy charges for listings and when you do sell something, because you're going through them
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sennas
Thank you again for helping me out
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Hylia224
Of course! Small businesses are the best! 💖
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by 4741119
@Hylia224 @sennas Honestly I just sell at school lol. Ask the principal first so you don't get in trouble. I do it more for fun but I also like getting an income from it. I have made around $200 but I sell my bracelets cheap cause I go to a small town school & they don't pay etsy prices. I generally charge $6 for a easy 12 string alpha. I am probs gonna up the price about $2 since I get lots of tips & since I have gotten WAY better.
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by 4741119
I also have recently come up with a name. Soon I will start giving them to people with them on a piece of cardboard with the name & potentially a logo.
9 months, 3 weeks ago by sennas
Oooh yes that might be a better idea as I’m not trying to make a big business just some quick money yk. The idea of shipping just seems a bit scary for something so small