selling your bracelets
Bracelet King
1 year ago by leviOsa_09
soooo i’m working on selling my bracelets and right now i just have one question:

when you sell them, do you just give the bracelet to them? or do you put it on something! i know ppl use like cards or card stock and put a set or one, along w their small business name or smth, but i’m still thinking of one so also if you have ideas for a name feel free to let me know!

i’m really just looking for a nice little presentation for the bracelet when i give it to them
Bracelet King
1 year ago by Hylia224
So far, I've just given it to them. When it gets bigger, like online and stuff, obviously I'll put it on something, but for now it's just family and church sales so I just give it to them.
1 year ago by sdhgf
i would say maybe either put it around a little card like you said or also those like little gauzy drawstring bags are also good you could put them in that? ive seen people do that and add like a few stickers or a little thank you note too which is cute
Bracelet King
1 year ago by cait7313
hi! i sell my bracelets on depop and to my friends and family. what i usually do for depop is tie them around an index card and write a little note. for friends and family i wrap them around an old piece of cardboard so that i can present it nicely while also recycling materials. when i go to craft fairs i bought little brown paper bags to put them in (not the typical lunch brown paper bags a little bit different). i like the idea of recycling materials so i try to use paper/cardboard as much as possible rather than mesh/nylon bags because those don’t decompose. i hope everyone was able to help, good luck selling!
Bracelet King
1 year ago by leviOsa_09
@cait7313 that’s a good idea! i’m thinking of doing cardboard for mine maybe or cardstock, with maybe a hand drawn logo or name - i have yet to think of one though!