Write the beginning of a story!
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Hylia224
This is inspired by @AnoukKnoll's 3 sentence story forum topic, but this one can be about anything!
I'm mostly just interested in seeing your guys' reading and writing styles since everybody's is different.
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Hylia224
I have one that I would like to share though!
For school I have to just write for 5 minutes a day just for a brain exercise. So early in the school year I decided to start a novel pulled from Breath of the Wild.
I was kind of obsessive about it though and was looking up exact dialogue. I only got up to the first shrine before I quit because I really didn't want to watch a gazillion game play videos for exact dialogue.
So hears the first paragraph I wrote! First-person, Link's perspective
Day 1
I woke up....or was I already awake? I opened...my(?) eyes. I felt a cool breeze that wasn't there before. I sit up and blink slowly. I'm in some kind of container that must have been filled with a liquid, because my hands rest in moisture. This body is dry though. This body...is it mine? What is "mine"? Who am I? I wasnt...born today, because I KNOW things. Like moisture, container, light, blue....blue? Yes, the room the container rests in has a blueish light quality to it.

So I quit that novel lol. But I'm planning on starting an OC's adventure novel set in Hyrule.
I found a wonderful novelization on Spotify by Zed of Ages that is super accurate with extra dialogue and Link talks! I highly recommend it
Thansk for taking time out of your day to read an experiment of mine 💛
Bracelet King
1 year, 3 months ago by Julia_2009
Ok so I’m just gonna copy and paste the first paragraph of the story I’m working on rn

Vivian loved art. She loved getting lost in the world she was creating with a stroke of a paint brush. Art class is her safe haven- a trip away from the real world.
Right now, they had free time, and she could create any masterpiece her mind could devise. Today, her brain wanted to create a hell scape, complete with creatures that are also otherworldly.
Sometimes, Vivian wished she could go into her worlds and get out of the real one. The thought of different lifestyles and the laws of nature not making sense is so appealing to her that she took to expressing them through any means necessary. She was always seen with a sci-fi novel, wearing clothing adorned with stars, and most importantly, listening to less than normal music.