Bracelet King
5 years ago by SC00PSAH0Y
When do y’all make your bracelets? How do you make time? Curious as to how to find more time to do bracelets? Please share😊
5 years ago by Hermione_G
@SC00PSAH0Y Hewo! I make mine after homework, in the morning, and after I have finished eating dinner. On weekends, whenever I want really. In the car, on the couch. it really depends on my schedule
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Someone_
I make mine pretty much everywhere, and at any time. I have bad anxiety and knotting is a coping mechanism for me aswell as something I enjoy. I tend to knot at work on my break. I knot after work when I am at home a lot too. I knot in the car, on a bus. There probably isn't a day where I have spent most of the day knotting, to be honest.😂
Bracelet King
5 years ago by alaytheay
I usually knot when I am done with my school. I also knot while we are driving, or if I am listening to an audio book. Hope this helps! 😉
5 years ago by arf820
i knot everyday after school before doing homework and on weekends i just knot whenever i have time
Bracelet King
5 years ago by Disney12
I make mine after school, at night, or listening to music or audio book. 😊