✨️Challenge Ideas!✨️
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
This was a thought I had!
I had some ideas for challenges I thought would be cool to participate in but I won't actually be able to host anytime soon. This is also a good topic if you're looking for ideas for your own challenge!
My ideas were:
A shoelace challenge. Like see who makes the coolest pair of shoelaces (even if it's just a candystripe with neat colors)
A clean out your to-dos challenge. Not a pick-from-your-todos, no, but a see how many you can get done! Whoever finishes the most wins! A good way to motivate you to do some of those cool to-dos!
A logo challenge. Find a pattern with a logo from a business or product you like and make it!
A video game challenge. I hosted a Zelda challenge this past summer but I feel like an overall general video game challenge would get more contestants and I would totally participate with some of my Zelda to-dos
I hope this helps if you're looking for ideas and feel free to leave your own!! 💛
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Cow28
Logo and Shoelace challenges sound really fun! What about a font challenge? Or a book challenge?
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by Hylia224
@Cow28 those are cool too!