Funny school stories here!
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by LunarXD
Ill startA kid in my grade was wearing a playboy shirt. Guess what my teacher did? We were is social studies and a dumb classmate I had im my class sprayed some colonge that stank up the whole class so we were outside under the ramada. When the kid wearing the shirt walked by my teacher literally left our class to take him to the office and dress code him 😂. We were waiting outside with no teacher for like 5 minutes. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Julia_2009
I got a detention after eating thin mints in class three days in a row lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by violasrule
In middle school we had half an hour of reading time in the morning to read whatever book we wanted to. In 7th grade I had language arts first period-the teacher was the best, I absolutely loved her. One day during reading time, she wasn't there (it was frequent for the teachers to have meetings in the morning during reading time, so then we'd have a sub for just that half hour).Except for the fact that there was no sub- and so there were some pretty messed up kids in my class with no self control, they ended up like working out n stuff, one of them was just doing pushups on the floor when my language arts teacher finally walked in and was like "wait why's there no sub?" and then her second thing was "wait you guys had a half hour why didn't any of you like email anyone or anything? or do anything? at all?" (some of my friends considered it but we didn't know who to ask lol and plus we were too scared to act 🙂 bc social interaction) Bonus: This was an honors class and the kid who was doing the pushups when she walked in wasn't in honors the next year... i wouldnt be surprised if this is one of the reasons why lol |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by LunarXD
@Julia_2009 I love thin mints lol@violasrule I would have been scared too lol. I got another story. One time I was on my period (I felt like I was going to leak) and my math teacher (she is a girl) wouldn't let me go to the bathroom for some odd reason. I was so sick of her crap so I got up, walked up to her desk and said "Going to the bathroom is not a privilege, it's a human right!" she then shut her mouth and let me go lol. Some of the kids aplauded me as I walked out 😂. |
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by fishyknots
@LunarXD ahh I love that!!
9 months, 3 weeks ago by hattiepatt
A guy stole my friend shoe, dipped it in toilet water and then gave it back to her😭
Bracelet King
9 months, 3 weeks ago by Kayla517
One early Friday afternoon during class the buzzer went off in my home room from the secretary asking my teacher “Can [First/Last name] come down to the office?” (They said my younger sisters name.) My teacher said he can have me go down to office so I did. I went down to office window and there was a 12inch Subway sub, small bag of Doritos and chocolate milk dropped off by my mom. I was confused cause I had a lunch. The secretary said “Oop this is for your sister but thanks for coming down to check” My sister either forgot her lunch or didn’t like it so that’s why my mom bought it for her and that’s okay but the fact that I saw all that food for nothing because the first name mistake made me so disappointed. I however didn’t want to make a scene about it so I just went back to class like normal and had my average begal and rice crispy for lunch. I brought it up to my sister long after and we do laugh at it now.
9 months, 2 weeks ago by 2nd-Regier
I asked a boy in my class if he was cheering off my paper ,he said he wasn’t.I said he was and he said “why would I you have all the same answers as me” 😂
9 months, 2 weeks ago by 2nd-Regier
Sorry I meant cheating not cheering