Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by grod
I’ll go first…
I met this dude at this summer camp we volunteer at, n at first I found him annoying but like kinda cute. But he would follow me everywhere n the campers there started teasing us abt it. N I was annoyed abt it but like towards the end of the week I was like “ok I kinda like this dude” n on the last day he asked me for my number n we’ve been talking since, we literally ft everyday for at least 3hrs 😂 he already met my parents and siblings, but we’re not dating yet cause I wanna wait till I graduate from high school (literally 9 months away) n he’s starting his first year in college, n we js don’t wanna rush into things since we’ve both been in relationships before w other ppl and came out really hurt, we wanna make sure we do things right, but YALL HE’S AMAZING! n he’s super chill w my siblings my lil bro is literally obsessed w him 🥺, unfortunately we are kinda long distance cause he lives pretty far from where I live but he comes and visits me whenever he can, n now he’s leaving to college thats hours away so we won’t see each other as often anymore, but we’ll manage 😉 y’all he literally asks me if he can hold my hand or give me a hug or a kiss, he wants to make sure I feel safe n comfortable arnd him. (Yes we kissed already haha)
But I’m really glad we met when we did it was the perfect timing haha

But yea! Wbu?
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by ricorat
I’ve been single my whole life 😆
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Hylia224
@ricorat lol same 😂
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by grod
@ricorat @Hylia224 lol y’all are saving urself from a lot of drama haha
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by ricorat
@grod yes haha!
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by Lava_Lav
I'm single thanks goodbye
1 year ago by _vuroee
I went to Paris for a week with my school. This guy that I have history with also went but I never talked to him. He sat close to me during dinner and we started talking. 2 days later he asked me for my number and we started talking more and more and people from my school started noticing and started shipping us. When we went back home we didnt talk for a few days and then I decided to ask him to hangout, we did and we talked abt starting dating. One week later I got in the hospital bc I had pulmonary embolism and heart failure and he suprised me with flowers and chocolate and asked me to be his gf in the hospital.
1 year ago by Jess_Mess
@_vuroee I hope you get better soon ❤️
Thats so sweet he came to visit you....he must care for you a lot
1 year ago by Jess_Mess
,we've known each other since kinder.....but never really had anything to do with each other. I was home school from year 4 to year 9 and came back to school in year 10.

his family started coming for bbq's at my house about 3 years ago and i started noticing him more at church and talking and hanging out with him when his family came. When i came back to school at the start of year 10 he had already told all his friends that he had a crush on me.....and then they found out i had a crush on him and started setting us up talking after school and stuff......he bought me ice-cream and we started kinda talking but it was awkward.....

fast forward to December last year......a few weeks before Christmas we started talking heaps at church ( cause we were on school hols) and then at Christmas we hugged and he asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes. Since then we've been really close.....

He's so school i've been really stressed and had a few run in's with the principal (being accused of stuff i didnt do) and he has always been there to see if i was ok and doesnt judge me like other people when i started crying haha.....and he takes care of me so well and i love him so much ❤️....because we are both christian and have strict parents we cant go out yet....but he always tells me what hes going to do for me and where hes going to take me.....

❤️ is my bf
anyway.....i have ❤️ older brother saying stuff to his family about the older brother liking me and saying im pretty......and hes been weirdly tryna flirt with me infront of ❤️ and its kinda getting weird.....and i also have ❤️ cousin creepily watching me and telling people he likes me.....

anyway thanks for listening.....or rather reading 😂
1 year ago by _vuroee
@Jess_Mess thats so cuteee. But the last part is quite creepy 😭
1 year ago by Jess_Mess
@_vuroee yeah i know.....and its weird cause they are all related......imagine there was a fight 🙈 😂