Weirdest thing to happen while making a bracelet
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by doezknotz
Ok I’ll go first Backstory:I taped my bracelet to a notebook that I don’t use. I went to a creak with my family and bought it. Ok so we played fast forward to when we were washing our towels.I hear from my room “ (insert name here) we need to talk” My mom was saying. I went uh ok because I had no idea what we needed to talk about. She goes “you know the bracelet you were working on, i-it went in the wash and the notebook melted” The bracelet is fine just a litttle wet. Your turn! |
1 year, 7 months ago by spothethot
me and my family went to a cubs game to celebrate the fourth of july. i really dont enjoy watching baseball so i decided to make a cubs alpha pattern to pass the time. while i was abt 3/4 in this super drunk girl behind me started puking everywhere😭 luckily it didnt get on me or the bracelet but i was so freaked out
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by KK120308
i was making one at camp. My water bottle i was knotting off of broke
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by KK120308
and the bracelet fell in the water
Bracelet King
1 year, 7 months ago by doezknotz
@KK120308 & @spothethot lol
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by fishyknots
My base string fell out so I had to undo a bunch of knots to reput it back
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by violasrule
Over the summer my school offered gym so that you don't have to do it during the school year and therefore get an extra elective. I took that because I wanted to do robotics.Gym went for 4 hours a day. There were lots of kids who did it. During second semester, the middle school kids no longer had summer school, so they extended the length of the routes SEVERELY. I had to be on the bus at 6:40 because I was, conveniently, the first stop. o_O So I decided to bring string for bracelets along. I brought a safety pin and some strings I cut just before I left to catch the bus. I made a candystripe. I finished the entire thing on the bus ride, and I thought that the girl I sat with had some scissors so I could cut the string because she had been making bracelets as well. But that day was the one day she didn't bring them. So then I texted my friends in a group chat a picture of me wearing the bracelet with a whole heck of a lot of extra thread wrapped around the bracelet itself. One of my friends that rode my bus, she hadn't gotten on yet because she was one of the last stops. So she actually brought scissors from her house just so I could cut the string. I love her. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ |
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by doezknotz
@fishyknots the first time I did an alpha that happened and I didn’t know how to fix it and I never wanted to do an alpha again
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by doezknotz
@violasrule she is a good human being