any swimmers?
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
so i used to to on the swim team and i was one of the best on my team. i have all 2nd place ribbons and one 1st place. i quit for some reason i’m not too sure why. well i want to start back up but i have no idea how or if it’s even worth it. if you’ve done swim before or still do i’d appreciate any advice (:
1 year, 6 months ago by halokiwi
I never was a competitive swimmer, but I started life guarding as a hobby when I was 15. The focus is less on competitiveness and more on the actual usefulness of the skills, which I really like.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@halokiwi yeah that seems really useful. i want to start back up bc thinking back i really enjoyed it. and ofc it’s great exercise and keeps you in shape. i actually have a friend who started swim team last year so i might talk to him (he’s actually a year older and had no experience at all so i have more of an advantage). tysm for your reply! (:
1 year, 6 months ago by julesh8100
I was on the swim team in middle school for two years, but I really relate to your situation because of my experience with gymnastics. I loved it so much and I won every event I competed in. I truly thought I was going to go professional with it. But I had to stop because I was being so hard on myself. Every moment since then, I have wanted to go back to gymnastics. I am in college right now, though, and I often feel like it's too late. The advice I would give myself is to just forget all the structure and competitiveness of the sport. Especially with swimming, you are in the pool competing against yourself. I say, if you want to get back into it, find an aquatic center or a gym with a pool close by and just start practicing. set some personal goals for yourself. You don't have to join a team. Just swim for the love of swimming.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@julesh8100 tysm! this was some great advice, i really appreciate it! i’m thinking abt going to our local lap pool and starting back up. and if i feel like it i may rejoin the team (probably next year tho). i have a friend on the team so i’ll probably talk to him and get some advice from him. again, tysm! <3
1 year, 6 months ago by julesh8100
@tkd2010 Of course! I'm happy to help!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by awesomelgk
Hi! I’ve been swimming competitively for 8 years, and am going into my second year of HS swim. I noticed that for HS, a lot of people are brand new and are trying it out for the first time, or they haven’t swum in years and are trying to get back into it. So, if you would be able to join a school team that would be an amazing option. But, if you feel completely confident in your ability just go straight into a competitive team. Either way you can’t go wrong, however from my experience you will learn much more from a true swim team rather than a HS team.

If you want to swim again, you should! Knowing the competition strokes is a great thing and you can swim your entire life.
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
@awesomelgk im thinking abt joining my schools team next year. i’ll probably take a year (at least) to get back into it before i start swimming competitively again. tysm for the advice i really appreciate it!
Bracelet King
1 year, 6 months ago by tkd2010
and i definitely do want to swim again. i enjoyed it (i mean it was definitely hard but it was worth it). again tysm ⬆️
Bracelet King
1 year, 5 months ago by awesomelgk
you’re welcome! I love talking abt swim stuff 🤭
1 year, 5 months ago by meowmeow54
I really wanna get into swimming because I can’t really due any other sports and my surgeons have been recommending it for my ankles and feet. Im able to take it as a class at school. Should I??
Bracelet King
1 year, 4 months ago by dritten527
@meowmeow54 I have similar problems with my knees and swimming is the only sport I do. I’m a competitive swimmer and have just moved up to 6 times a week (including mornings) but I’m not sure if this is what you meant… you should definitely swim it has helped me and it’s also helped me because I’m short and actually fast in the water
1 year, 3 months ago by xc2024
my best friend swims and plays polo, and from what shes said, its not too hard to get back into it after a break cause you already know a lot of the form stuff, its just getting the fitness back